66 | ice creams and confessions

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"We- we could've just stolen my boy Reiji's car!" Keiko exclaimed as she clung onto Johnny's arm, "And then, then we should go for ice cream...y-yes oh my god I want ice cream, can we go get ice cream?"

Johnny grunted, eyeing down the drunk girl under his grasp, carefully bringing her out of the car. "Keiko you're drunk as a skunk."

"No I'm not." She shakes her head childishly, gaze setting on someone else, "You!"

"Me?" The boy knits his eyebrows together, scoffing out in disbelief.

"Get me ice cream."

"Yeah- no. Get to bed." He retorted with an eye roll.

"No? Did you just say no?" Keiko gasped, lips curving down as she huffed, "I'm gonna tell mom!"

Johnny scrunched his nose, "I think that's my line."

Keiko hummed, softly patting Johnny's arm, "That's right- you, you Johnny, you're Johnny right?" She raised a brow before chuckling, "You need more lines."

Renjun sighed and dragged a sleeping Chenle, who had passed out back at the bar. Donghyuck, on the other hand, was slumped over Doyoung who kept nagging at him nonstop.

Johnny shook his head, "Nope. It's fucking eight in the morning and this is what I get the moment I wake up? I'm sorry Keiko but I need my beauty sleep." The male said and handed her over to someone else, "You take care of her, goodnight brats."

"Who's this? Where'd the dad go?" Keiko mumbled, snaking her arms around the boy's waist and rested her head on his unsteady chest.

"Is this fucking for real?"

"Come on Xiao, just tuck her in bed, nothing bad will happen." Renjun told him and kicked the door open, low grunts leaving his mouth as he dragged the black-haired boy with him.

Xiaojun sighed deeply, nose scrunching as he stared down at the girl, the insane beating of his heart unstoppable by now.

You can do this- you're an undercover for fucks sake. Just imagine she's a target...

Gazing down at her as she giggled softly, clutching onto the boy's shirt, humming slowly. "Boy, I told you to get me ice cream...where the fuck is my ice cream?"

Who am I kidding? This is fucking Yun Keiko.

Xiaojun pursed his lips shut, gulping down all of his nerves away. Wrapping his arm around her as he began escorting her out the garage, keeping with how giddy she acted – the way she staggered, sometimes stumbling forward, or the occasional sways making Xiaojun's grip tighten around her; afraid that she'd fall or trip over her own foot.

"Heyyy! My ice creaaaam- where the fuck is it?" She questioned, her voice change tones quickly from whiney to mad.

"Keiko, it's almost nine the morning and the first thing you want after drinking and passing out is ice cream?" Xiaojun knitted his brows together, running his fingers through her silver hair as she nodded.

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