41 | the truth within the lie

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Since they actually restricted her from going out for at least two days, the girl has been in her room for the past hours, chatting with Daniel as he said he got lots to talk about.

As the boy was a computer science student, he knows his way around with his computers, mostly he does a lot of hacking in his free time and even do a bit of freelancing if he was bored.

Daniel knew about Keiko's whereabouts and wasn't even surprised anymore that she was forced to stay in and miss work– though he was a bit annoyed that they had legitimate control over her life.

The two talked for hours, Keiko keeping him company as he hacked through a bunch of files, confidential files that is. She had literally no idea what the boy was up to until he let out a yell of satisfaction. No time to even read it by himself, he had quickly sent all the files he had compiled to Keiko's cellphone before his laptop got fired back.

"Ah shit– well, another dead computer," Daniel grunted and went back to focus his gaze onto the document he also sent himself.

"What do you mean, Daniel?" Keiko hummed and suddenly received a notification from the said boy, "What's this?"

Daniel took a deep breath, "Listen– right there, whatever I sent you, is something you really need to see. And by the way, my laptop got killed again." he pouted making Keiko roll her eyes at his actions.

"Did you touch anything confidential again?"

Daniel nodded slowly and she crossed her arms, "You sneaky brat!" a smile stretched on his lips as he had missed her name-calling whenever she teaches him how to bartender and mixes drinks.

A giggle escaped from his lips as he shook his head, "It's for you anyways, by the way, aren't you a bit tired?"

A yawn from Keiko's line and that had answered his question, still, a small smile ghosting on his lips as the girl refused to end the call, "Nah, I need to check out what this is."

Her right thumb scrolling down, pressing onto the document that Daniel had sent her. Brows furrowed, totally bewildered upon her discovery. They were files about four missing ladies. Gasping lightly, her hand cupped her mouth as she almost fell back in shock, concern washing all over her face.

Clipped articles from old websites that were taken down, Keiko could remember hearing about this certain news. It was popular back then, rumored to be a danger towards women. Though she didn't care the slightest bit since all she ever did was improve her bar day and night, but now Daniel brought her to this. Reports stated it might've been the mafia's fault, with their ways around the town, they could easily get their hands on any women they want.

Perhaps this was what Mark was talking about? His little introductory to Dasom which contained about being the only associate that survived. Eyes skimming through each line of the several paragraphs, heart twisting and turning as she felt fear creep in her body. These women were from the Golden Circle Association as well, once claimed they were working with a certain mafia.

Biting her bottom lip in anxiety, a flame rising up in her the longer she read the document.


"Kei-noona... I'm telling you– they are dangerous! You're not treated special there, you need to escape!" his panicked tone obvious as he alerted her. The boy knew something was wrong with them the moment he saw them, it was like they had everything planned right before their eyes.

"Daniel, I think I'm a bit tired," she murmured and dropped the call, standing up and flopped onto her bed. The coldness spreading through her body as she laid down, face merging into the pillows as her mind clouded with thoughts.

Nothing but anger and resentment towards this whole mafia gang. Keiko assumed that maybe if she let herself fall deeper into their traps, she would end up like them. Once they have what they want– discarded like the rest of them she would become. Thrown out this facility, a ragged body filled with gunshot wounds and scars.

They are the mafia, Keiko. Taeyong's mafia to be specific. Don't expect any change from them for all they would do is ruin you.

.        .        .


An exasperated sigh left Taeyong's lips as he fell back into his seat, no longer were their fingers interlocked as his eyes cold with no sign of lingering emotions. Fingers curling as he cracked his joints, something voicing in his mind to hunt down whoever told her anything.

But he decided to keep his calm, despite his urge to do something immediately. Licking his lips he gave her a wary look, "I'm going to ask you nicely; how did you find out? Did anyone tell you? Tell me, Keiko."

Although his voice did sound more light, she could still sense the slight bit of anger in his tone. Keiko shook her head, crossing her arms, "It doesn't matter how I found out and if anyone told me. But you shouldn't expect me to trust you so easily– what was that again? Oh, your former associates—"

Getting cut off by Taeyong slamming his fist onto the glass table, a light thud from it as he stood up. "I didn't kill them."

"You ordered someone to kill them instead?" she raised a brow and Taeyong scoffed, rolling his eyes, "They don't matter, Keiko. All that matters is..."

"Is what?" she picks up, also standing up from her chair. "Is what, Taeyong? Tell me honestly, what happened to those others?"

Taeyong looked down at her like a pawn in a game of chess, nothing but a useful piece that once they served their purpose– they die. "If I tell you, will you run away?"

"You think I run away? Taeyong, you're not the only one carrying a weapon." Keiko remarked, "I swear–"

"They either died from running away or I killed them. Does my answer satisfy you?" he countered, although his whole sentence was a bit of a lie.

Her blood running cold, death flashing into her mind as thoughts of those past associates haunted her in any way. Pursing her lips together as she kept a strong front, "Are you going to let me end up like them? Is that why you want me to trust you?" she tilts her head, "So I could be vulnerable? Weak? Completely powerless against you?"

A dry chuckle escapes her lips as she glared at him, "I'm sorry, but I won't let myself become speechless again, you psycho."

"Wait- no, that kind of answer will satisfy you but the truth doesn't." Taeyong cited making her crease her forehead in confusion. "We weren't behind those deaths, that's all I could say for now."

"Just tell whoever your source is that they've got the wrong mafia. We don't act like this to associates, they are like mere soldiers who only work for us."

Keiko sneered, "Is this one of your lies again? You're manipulative! Why would I believe you?!"

"You need to shut that mouth of yours, Mikami Keiko. Or I will." he taunted and neared her, "And don't worry, I won't let you end up like them. I made a promise to your grandfather anyways." he smirked malevolently.

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