09 | rivals

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"Why am I doing this again?" Renjun raised an eye brow at me, voice laced with boredom as I continued to stare down at the busy streets with my binoculars.

"Because! You have keen eyes and–"

"Yeah, shut up." he grunted, hand running down his face in annoyance. "Do you even see them?"

Blinking, I looked back at the streets, seeing no one in particular making me sigh and slump my shoulders. "Was the location even right?"

"It is." he uttered, before smacking the back of my head. I let out a yelp, glaring at him for doing that. "What the hell Renjun?!"

He quickly shushed me, pointing down, "There they are."

I peered down the apartment building we settled on, brows furrowing after seeing yet another man next to the target. "Is he the part-timer Chenle and Yangyang were talking about?"

Renjun nodded, "Yeah, she looks... smaller than I imagined."

"Shut up shortie." I scoff and moved before he could even smack me again.

"Where are they going...?"

"Over there," Renjun pointed and moved the left, docking his head down closer, "Mikami Crown Club."

The name rung inside my head. Mikami Crown Club. The first ever bar the Mikami Empire had in South Korea, the Empire that Taeyong-hyung's family company nearly brought down.

"Have you secured their location?" Jisung's voice was loud in clear through their earpieces.

"Yes." Renjun answered in a low voice.

"They're at Mikami Crown Club, right?"

"Mhm," I hummed and watched as two of the boys walked in, leaving Keiko standing outside. My brows furrowed in confusion, tapping the assassin next to me, "Did you see that?"

"Did something happen?" Jeno questioned.

"No. It's just– Keiko didn't enter the bar."

"Just as Chenle expected," Jeno uttered and that made Renjun and I look at each other.

"Huh? What do you mean Jeno?" Renjun asked, eyes going back to stare at the girl.

"I'm sending in Jaemin–" the sound got cut off quick and I couldn't help but question what had happen.

Squinting my eyes, I saw Keiko talking to some man that we couldn't really recognize. I tried contacting Jisung through the earpiece but I guessed he disconnected it.

Feeling a buzzing sensation down my pocket, I fished out my phone to see Taeyong-hyung calling. "Hyung?" I answered immediately.

"Get down from the building and position yourself in a closer spot– there are Nightwalkers nearby."

"What the fuck–" I was about to question Taeyong when Renjun immediately ducked my head down, pulling up his sniper, he aimed at the building across from us, pulling the trigger and a loud gunshot noise was made.

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