60 | hendery vs henderson

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"Again, why do I have to take care of her?" Xiaojun grumbled, his thick eyebrows furrowed as he stared far into the white ceiling of the clinic.

Kun crossed his arms, "You don't want to?"

"I mean- I..." Xiaojun paused, not knowing what to answer. Usually, he would have declined by now, but he couldn't. It was as if something in him was preventing him from shoving away such opportunity. However, a part of him also couldn't accept it.

These days his mind has been nonstop thinking about Keiko and it was already driving him crazy. He couldn't seem to get the thought of her away, something in her made him feel so attracted in some sort of way.

Not being able to respond to Kun's question quick, the older shrugged, "Fine. I'll just ask whoever's free today." and without another word, the executive left leaving Taeil snorting at Xiaojun.

"Kid, you lost your chance."

Xiaojun grunted and fell back onto the white sheets, "Shut up."

"I'm already telling you, Xiao. You like her."

"I know."

"Then go for it." Taeil suggested calmly making Xiaojun sigh loudly.

"If only it were that easy. Did you hear what Hendery said yesterday? Getting Keiko to like you back is impossible!"

Taeil sniggered, turning around in his swivel chair to face the young boy. "You'll never know unless you try."

"I- I don't know..." Xiaojun mumbled, looking down onto his lap.

"Hmm, why do you like her?"

His question made Xiaojun go back deep in thought. Exactly – why did he like her? Was it because of her attitude? How brave she can be? How beautiful she actually looks? All of those were clouding up his mind.

Xiaojun fiddled with the hem of his lab coat, "Should there be a reason to liking someone? What if I didn't like her for any physical features...?"

Taeil froze for a bit before humming. Facing back at his desk, he told him, "Then what?"

"I just... like her." he mumbled lowly, letting his eyelids dip close. "Just- forget about it. These are probably just quick feelings. They'll go away."

Taeil glanced back at the boy who was now dozing off from work by taking a little nap. He shook his head, focusing once again on his recent experiments. "I don't think they'll go away nor are they 'quick' feelings." He mumbled softly.

.           .            .

"Why the fuck- Keiko put that fucking fork down!" Hendery yelled out, a hand hovering over his gun secured in his holster.

"I'm not even going to–"

Kun cleared his throat loudly, "Can't you two get along, please?"

They both gave him a short stare before replying almost in unison, "No."

Kun deadpanned at the response, "Why are you two even mad at each other?"

Hendery points out a finger, "She shot me and would nearly stab me!"

"The bullet just grazed you!"

The boy stuck out a tongue, "Same thing!"

Keiko looked at him in disbelief before crossing her arms, "Your reason is invalid."

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