39 | yuta-san!

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Trudging through the dimly lit hallways of the mansion, she had been waiting for hours just to wait for the others to get back so she could finally go to her own work. The pain from her wound didn't hurt that much unless applied pressure on it or a simple hit would make her wince and ready to fight whoever had possibly nudged her.

The sound of alarms going on and off any now and then made it known to her that there were people either leaving or coming back, at first it surprised her that they could live and sleep despite these noises.

She heard footsteps from down the corridor, and she assumed that they were back from whatever mafia business they had done this time.

"I'm supposed to accompany you for today, right?" lifting her head up, she meets eyes with Renjun who had his lips pressed together into a thin line.

Light specks of dust on his outfit as he had just came back after raiding a few places. He crinkled his nose, jabbing his thumb towards the other hallway, "Let me change real quick, okay?" he said before dashing off, a few low grunts could be heard as he left.

Keiko's eyes trailed down, seeing droplets of blood on the floor. Perplexed, she craned her head to the direction Renjun had just gone. The metallic smell of his fresh blood made her scrunched her face and stood back up.

After waiting around fifteen minutes, Renjun came back wearing black jeans and a dark-colored shirt under a jacket. He sighed and kept holding one side of his shirt, trying his best to keep it away from the wound he had earned from the mission.

"You're bleeding– you should just stay back."

Renjun grimaced, shaking his head, "I'm a medic, I can just patch this up real qui—"

"Yeah, I don't think so." she shakes her head and wraps an arm around him, supporting him as she leads both of them to the medical unit. Thanks to her daily visits to the clinic, she had now memorized the route to get there faster.

"I told you– I'll be fine." he hissed, wanting to break free from her grip but she flicked his forehead instead making him yelp and glare at her.

"You need to rest too, idiot," Keiko stated and twisted the doorknob to the medical bay, letting Taeil take care of Renjun.

Xiaojun walks in with Hendery, irking upon seeing Keiko. "What the hell are you doing here?" both boys questioned in unison, a certain tone to their voice as they peered down on her.

"Oh shut up." she rolled her eyes and watch Taeil treat Renjun.

Taeil smiled sadly at her, "I'm sorry, but I need Renjun to rest so he won't be accompanying you today. Maybe you can ask–" he averts his eyes onto Xiaojun and Hendery who avoided his, Taeil chuckles and grabs his phone, "I'll let Taeyong decide on second thought."

A quick call with Taeyong and they finally got their answer. "Actually, he wants Yuta to accompany you."

"Yuta?" Xiaojun raised a brow upon hearing the name.

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