69 | the plan

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"I knew this would come handy." Jeno grinned to himself as he clicked through their system software, seeing how a red dot blinked rapidly on their map radar.

"Who knew Keiko would keep the hair tie I gave her." He chuckled to himself.

Doyoung proudly patted the younger's shoulder, "Glad to know you're ten steps ahead, seriously, even Renjun and I..." he trailed off, looking over at Renjun who had his mouth wide open.

Jeno only snickered, liking their praises before writing down the exact location Keiko was in – which had showed up in their software. "Well, y'all said keep an eye on Daniel, so I did. I heard something about a secured alliance, I'm pretty sure it was fake."

"Fake?" Chenle furrowed his brows, not quite getting the situation.

"Yeah, you know, Daniel can't be that stupid. I mean- he quite is, but I don't believe he'll go far as accepting help from Taeyong's father, after all, Taehui and Keishin don't go well together." Jeno pointed out, nodding his head as he explain to them. "He knows that, Daniel knows that."

"And so," he pauses, tapping the red dot on the screen gently, "I promised him something."

Donghyuck tilted his head, "You mean- that was staged?"

"What was?"

"Him accepting Taehui's offer...as well as bringing Keiko to the cafe." Donghyuck uttered out, slowly piecing together the little details Jeno had been giving them.

"Oh my fucking God! Lee Jeno you're a genius!" Jaemin gasped as realization hits him, gawking at their brown-haired friend who only flashed them a simple eye-smile.

"Thanks but I didn't plan that alone." Jeno shook his head, attention quickly averting on the youngest who's cheeks spread a light shade of red upon the numerous pairs of eyes set on him. "I had first asked and informed Taeyong-hyung about it then he assigned Jisung with me."

Jisung cleared his throat, shyly smiling at them, "I told you I'm smart, Zhong Chenle." He bragged, peering over his computer screen to see Chenle smiling proudly at his friend.

"I know, and I'm proud that you are."

"So, you mean, Daniel's on our side?" Renjun questioned to which both Jeno and Jisung nodded.

"But I thought you didn't care about him?"

"Again- an act. So that no one finds out about the actual deal here."

"That leads us to the final part of the plan – the main party." Jisung clasped his hands together, with the light going off as all eyes lead towards the projected screen.

"The main goal is...obliterating Lee Taehui and extracting Keiko out of the party, at least before anything bad happens."

.   . .

"Is anything wrong, Dejun?" Kun questioned, worried eyes glistening over the named boy.

Taeil whipped his head upon Kun's question, his gaze narrowing down onto Xiaojun as the said boy kept fidgeting in his seat. "He's fine- just nervous." Taeil spoke for the boy, going back to his desk to work on some new drugs he had been stirring up.

"Why would he even be nervous for?" Hendery raised an eyebrow, looking over at his friend.

Yangyang lightly nudged Hendery, giving him a certain look which made him shut up. "Just Xiaojun having mixed feelings over something."

"More like someone." Taeil mumbled and Xiaojun threw him a quick glare.

"You like someone?" Sicheng gasped, gaining sudden interest in their conversation.

Eyes growing wide, coughing out in a shock as he shook his head vigorously to quickly deny Sicheng's words. "What?! Me? Liking someone? Psh- no way. It's a waste of time. Feelings fuck you up insane."

Kun furrowed his brows, shaking his head, "Dejun, you can always talk to us about it. We're like brothers you know."

Xiaojun took a deep breath, swallowing the lump that had formed at the back of his throat out of the crippling anxiety slowly biting him away. The stomach-churning feeling that got him feeling high just by thinking of her.

It was insane.

That he could feel such emotions for someone who he used to hate. But as they say, the more you hate, the more you love. Kind of like how heroes would be nobodies without their enemies.

"I like Keiko...and it's driving me insane." He breathed out, earning a few light gasps from his friends.

"But, Donghyuck likes her too, doesn't he?" Hendery murmured to himself, remembering the other boy who had picked up the same attraction.

"Does she know?" Sicheng asked curiously.

Xiaojun shook his head, "I never told her—"

"He doesn't plan to." Taeil cuts him off, "He thinks that these feelings would go away easily."

"Well- Keiko deserves someone better okay? Someone who would be there for her always." Xiaojun retorted, throwing out different reasons why he hasn't confessed yet.

"Yeah but you can be that someone, Dejun." Kun shrugged his shoulders, not seeing the point why Xiaojun was holding himself back.

Xiaojun sighed, "I'm in a mafia and the last thing Keiko wants is to be with mafias."

"Ouch..." Yangyang winced at his words. "But you—" before the boy could even finish his sentence, he was immediately cut off by the speakers calling out for them.

"Meeting in 5." Kun stated and walked out of the room, "I'll see you guys in a bit."

As they left one by one, the only ones occupying the room were Taeil and Xiaojun.

Taeil stood up with a sigh, walking over to the boy to give him a light pat, "You should really tell her about how you feel..." he trailed off, "Donghyuck will understand- he already gave up for you."

Xiaojun stood there baffled, not quite sure on what to say. "That's the point... I know—"

"Didn't both of you agreed on something?" Taeil brought up fast and the younger nodded, lowering his head.

"Then continue on with that plan." Taeil said, tapping Xiaojun's shoulder, "Come on, we have a party to crash."

and if someone gets hurt then now what :/

hmm so is daniel a good guy or wha :0

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