37 | give me a gun

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"Okay, what the fuck are we doing here?" Keiko calmly asked as she crouched next to Mark who was busy looking down from the lofty establishment they were on. She peeped from the height, squinting her eyes, attempting to locate what they were preying on today.

Mark hissed and yanked her back, "Stay put."

Keiko rolled her eyes, arms crossed in front of her chest as she sat back down, "Then why the heck am I even included in this mission?"

The mafioso hushed her, not even bothering to answer her questions as he darted his gaze onto a man. Usually, walking down the streets, most of us never really put much thought into what people look like.

No matter how virtuous and nice they seem, still, you don't know what lies behind that guise.

A click sound was heard as Mark began loading his sniper rifle– thanking Yuta and Ten in his mind as they had refurbished his beloved gun to use whenever Taeyong appoints him in assassinations.

Keiko cocked a brow, peeking from the frontier, seeing him heed a man wearing a fedora hat. He can't be the only one, right? She thought and skimmed the pavement crammed with a few people.

"Is he your man?" she queried, veering around to look at Mark.

The assassin responded with a slight hum, a smirk on his lips as he looked through his scope. "Jisung, I've got him," he said to the in-ear monitor.

"But stay alert, he's not the only one."

"What do you–"

A bullet shot beside Keiko, her eyes went wide as Mark snapped his head towards her, "What the–"

"Shit! Hyung, you've got company."

Mark perked up from his spot, recognizing a few nearby snipers from the other buildings. Keeping his calm, he sent a faint smile towards the girl, "Don't move."

"No shit– they just shot a bullet beside me!" she exclaimed and rolled her eyes, trying to look around. She could notice Donghyuck from his post, gazing up at them as he sent her a reassuring smile.

"Mark-hyung? Chenle's still unnoticed, can you still move there?"

Directing her attention onto the upper building beside them and the building across them, she could easily spot two from each, both armed with their own snipers.

"So much for just kill the assigned person and we're good to go." mocking Donghyuck's voice from earlier, she outstretched her arm to lightly punch Mark.

A scowl on his face, he glanced at the girl, "What? I told you to stay put."

"Yeah, like that would help us stay alive," she mumbled before referring to his holster. "Give me a gun."

A bit puzzled, Mark had his brows furrowed before shaking his head, "No."

"You obviously need some help."

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