47 | like father like son

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"I heard you met Taeyong's father." Doyoung brought up as he escorted the girl out of the dining hall. Everyone had their own missions to carry out today, for Keiko, it was the same—to wait for time to pass by and eventually have the permission to leave the mansion.

"He was... annoying," she mumbled in a harsh tone.

Randomly, Keiko would receive phone calls in the early morning, asking her if she would consider Lee Taehui's offer.

As usual, Keiko declined him until it irritated her, to the point she almost threw her phone, fortunately, Kun had stopped her by barging into her room before she could even.

"Well, he is Taeyong's father after all." he chuckled and pointed at the door, "Sicheng's waiting for you."

"Wait what? I thought I was..." she trailed off, only to get ignored as Doyoung walked away, seeming to have an urgent meeting between the higher-ups.

Sighing deeply, she twisted the doorknob, seeing Sicheng with a sharp sword. Stepping back when he whipped the long blade, slicing the dummy into two.

"Poor dummy," she commented, whistling lowly as she entered his room. "So, seems like you got an awesome weapon—"

"We are not going to play with anything sharp, Keiko."

A childish pout laid on her lips, "How unfortunate."

Sicheng could only chuckle as he drew the sword back, sealing it in its case. "I don't want that," he points at her bandaged arm, "to happen again."

"It was Xiaojun and Mark's fault anyway, speaking of, where is Xiaojun?"

Sicheng shrugged, "I think Taeyong sent him away– like on another undercover mission."

Xiaojun wasn't on any ordinary undercover mission; after the Dream Unit tracked down Taehui's whereabouts for the past few days, it seemed like he was preparing for something. Either it was to make things harder for NCT or to get the Mikami on his side.

Pubs. Lee Taehui kept visiting a variety of bars throughout a couple of days. These bars were the most visited and were each popular for a reason.

Analyzing their situation, they presumed that Taehui must've been on to something—more like he was planning on messing with the Mikami.

"What are we going to do anyway?" she questioned, bored to death with her filtered thoughts about the mafia itself.

What she really meant was, what she was going to do. Still, she had to figure out how will she be able to turn the table over. It seemed like they wouldn't even let her off alone after her attempts of escaping the place.

"Well, we can go around the city with Yuta—"

Choking on her own saliva, shocking Sicheng as he shot a concerned look towards her before fetching his water bottle, "Are you okay?" he repeated his words silently to himself before realizing, "Oh... you're still not over the fact he wasn't actually drunk?"

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