71 | the good guys

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Sat in their seats, the four executives had their eyes set on the two – the Underboss, and of course their Boss. After discussing the final plans for perfect execution, they had decided to call upon a meeting between themselves.

"I'm tired." Mark murmured, letting his head fall back, dangling onto the meeting chair's backrest.

"Tired?" Kun shot him a look, concern washing over him as he rarely heard Mark say that. "Of what?"

Mark shrugged his shoulders, purposely avoiding the gazes locked onto him as he played with the rings that adorned his fingers. "The mafia? I don't know- I'm just, tired, that's all."

"And what are you gonna do?" Doyoung questioned, eyeing him curiously. "Quit?" He spat out the word like venom, a bitter feeling to it when he spoke out. Quitting was never an option for these boys, leaving the mafia wasn't as easy as it seemed.

"Is that even a choice?"

"An oath was made- a promise to stay and a promise to never leave this family." All eyes averted onto Taeyong. No emotions could be spotted in his way of speech, but the moment you notice his eyes, you could definitely tell something was different.

"I know that already. I don't plan on leaving- I'd rather die from old age in the mafia than be killed by my own brot—"

"But if that's what you want, then I'll respect your decision." Taeyong's words easily caught Mark, along with the other executives, off guard.

The younger's voice trailing softly as he stared far onto Taeyong, blinking repeatedly as if he had heard the most absurd thing ever come out of Taeyong's mouth. "Um... Did I hear that right? What did you just say?"

Taeyong's nose crinkled a little, with his elbow planted on the table and his cheek rested comfortably on the palm of his hand, he rephrased his words, "I said, if that's what you want...I'll respect your decision."

"His decision? Like- leaving this family?" Doyoung emphasized, gaping at their leader.

"Family's support each other, if that's what he wants, then we should support his decision. I don't want to keep everyone trapped forever...I'm not my father, I will never be like him." Taeyong shook his head upon thinking back about his father.

Jungwoo slammed his fist onto the table, "But that's- it's against the rules!"

"Then would you rather kill Mark?" Kun spoke up, a piercing gaze boring onto the side of Jungwoo's head.

Jungwoo squinted his eyes back at Kun, "Stop pretending you're the good guy, Kun. You've killed too many people to be a good guy."

Kun scoffed, "I didn't say anything about me being the good guy. And I always try to be good. Again, try. I never said I was good- no one is ever pure in this dark world." He said sternly, glaring down at Jungwoo who diverted his attention onto somewhere else.

"I love this family- I really do. I'm thankful Taeyong had found me and brought me here. But sometimes, don't you ever just wonder? Wonder what if felt like to be the good guys? To be free from the bloodshed, to be not a criminal?" Kun ruffled his hair, sighing harshly as he sunk in his seat.

Mark pursed his lips together, seizing the tension-filled atmosphere gathering fast. "Kun's right. I sometimes hate myself- I hate my mafia side. It's like I don't even know myself anymore."

"But do I have a choice? I don't."

Jaehyun cleared his throat, "We all have a choice, Mark. And Taeyong's choice is to set you free."

Mark knitted his eyebrows together, warily dawning on Taeyong as the said male only remained with the stoic sangfroid.

"Well?" Jungwoo murmured, "Anything to say Taeyong?"

"The mission is to obliterate my father and free Keiko. That's it." Taeyong stated calmly.

"And after?" Doyoung raised a brow, anticipating what Taeyong would say next. He was eager to know, after all, Taeyong kept a lot to himself during these past few days. Especially after Kun had talked to him about family.

A low chuckle left Taeyong's lip, confusing everyone that occupied the room. Sending him perplexing gazes, Taeyong gave them a sad smile, "There is no after."

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wow- that's amazing but y'all really don't know what you're voting for so

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wow- that's amazing but y'all really don't know what you're voting for so... good luck for what happens

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