12 | a mikami

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"Would you like anything else?" Daniel questioned the costumer in which they replied simply with, "No, thank you."

The young apprentice nodded and went behind the counter to fetch them some specified drinks. Upon making their certain drink, he overhears his co-workers talking.

"You did what now?"

"I just– um–"

"No. I heard you." Reiji muttered, "Just why?" he squinted his eyes at him, "The ever so Keiko was taken out for ice cream."

"Told you," she shrugged, "boy wanted to kidnap me or something."

Daniel froze in his spot, "Kidnap?" he spun around to join their conversation.

"Yup." she chuckled, "Apparently... two mafia gangs are after me."

The younger boy stared at her in awe, not getting why she wasn't so shaken up by the fact that there were literal mafia's tailing her. But then again, Daniel had heard stories about Keiko's shameless acts in front of mafia's, it's like it never scared her.

"How exciting." she uttered, sarcasm laced in her tone.

Daniel turned back, opening the cocktail shaker and pouring the mixed drinks into the glasses before preparing to make more. His mind couldn't seem to lay off the fact that there was more to Keiko that was he had thought.

"So, what happened with your uncle?" the boy hears Reiji ask her again.

"Eh, fell asleep when I got home. I don't think he was home either."

Reiji deadpanned, "As expected."

Daniel took a deep breath, mustering up all the courage he has before facing their head bartender, "Cerise."

The said girl furrowed her brows, glancing behind, "Daniel? What do you want?" she questioned.

"Do you know the Mikami Empire?"

Reiji chewed on the insides of his cheek, urging to punch Daniel's arm. Though he was luckily able to fight it off after seeing Keiko's calm approach to Daniel's sudden question.

"Of course," she muttered, a low snigger coming afterwards. "I was a Mikami after all."

"Why do you look so shocked?" the girl laughed after seeing her apprentice with a frown plastered on his face. "It doesn't matter to me anymore, Daniel. It doesn't even look like they care about me at all."

Keiko clicked her tongue, "Better finish those cocktails before your costumer gets impatient." she walked off, making her way to the restricted employees room.

Reiji sighed and ruffled Daniel's hair, "You had such guts to ask her that."

"Was... Why– What happened?"

The older boy glanced at the red curtains before leaning closer at him. "She'll open up to you soon, give her some time tech boy."

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