44 | blueberry and cherries

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"Ugh, it's like three am already! Where the fuck are they?" Donghyuck whined as they hung out by the garage as Yuta worked on fixing his motorbike. Yangyang was also present, admiring his sports car yet he couldn't help but grow anxious as to why Keiko and Xiaojun weren't home yet.

"Oh wait, Jeno-hyung said they had tracked them and they're on their way here," Chenle uttered, looking up from his phone screen for a split second before focusing back onto his game.

Yuta wiped Donghyuck's newly fixed motorbike with a clean cloth before glaring at the young boy, "Run into the gate again and I'll definitely beat you up."

Donghyuck grins cheekily, "No promises." he replies.

A few minutes passed and they heard an alarm go off, signaling them that they could possibly be back. A ding went out and the garage gate opens wide, arriving in was Xiaojun's car.

As soon as Xiaojun parked the Corvette alongside the range of cars, the passenger door opens and Keiko scampered out, making her way into the base with immense speed.

Donghyuck shot a look at Xiaojun with a slight glare, "Care to explain what happened?"

The latter clicked his tongue, still mad that her co-workers that had the guts to drug him. "Simple. Her colleagues tried to drug me by letting me drink, and of course, she took it away and drank it, now this has happened."

Yangyang frowns before heading out, following the girl quickly. He finds her by one of the toilets, on her knees as she looked pale and unstable, "I'll go get you some water!" he exclaims and was about to walk off when she got a hold of his wrist, "No wait, s-stay..."

Confused, he stood in his spot until her body hunched forward as she vomited forth onto the toilet bowl. Yangyang sighed and gently pulled her hair back so that it won't be in the way, "I can't believe they tried to drug Xiaojun..."

"Keiko?" he calls out softly, crouching down to rub her back as she felt exhausted, unclear thoughts swerving in her mind as she breathed heavily. "Do you want some water, Cherrie?"

No answer.

Yangyang pursed his lips together and stood up after tying her hair back, "I'm gonna go get you some water, okay? I'll ask someone to look after you." he whispered and walked out of the bathroom, running into Taeyong and Jaehyun.

"Oh, Yangyang? Is there something wrong? You seem worried..." Jaehyun tilts his head and peered over the younger boy's shoulder, a glimpse of a silver-haired girl made him furrow his brows.

Yangyang jabbed his thumb back, nose crinkled as he answered, "Keiko's... well–" the boy didn't even get to finish his sentence as Jaehyun pushed past through him, barging in the bathroom to see the girl sprawled on the ground, leaning her head back onto the ceramic walls as her eyes drooped.

Sighing loudly, Jaehyun had his arms akimbo, eyeing the girl, "Mon Cherie, it's not really fun seeing you like this." he murmured and stooped down, offering himself to carry her as she had passed out.

Taeyong's dull looked turned into an aghast one as Jaehyun brought her out, "I'm going to take her to her room, Yangyang, please call Kun and tell him to take ca—"

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