54 | fedorawalkers

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"What's up with these guys and fedoras?" Renjun mumbled to Hendery as they stationed themselves on top of a building, peering down at the streets.

"I think we should start calling them fedorawalkers instead." Hendery snorted, cocking his gun to the side, aiming it to a dark red-suited man, only for his gun to flung out his grasp.

Alarmed, Renjun shot a look from where the unknown bullet came from, seeing nothing but an empty top. Sighing, he scratched his head, "Who the–" another bullet was fired, causing him to duck, luckily avoiding the small metal projectile.

Their backs pressed against the perimeter of the building. Hendery slowly reached for the firearm, "Have you ever met the leader of the Nightwalkers before?"

Renjun shook his head, "Not really. I'm pretty sure the higher-ups have."

Hendery hummed boringly and touched his in-ear, "Winwin?"

"Yes, what do you need?" the said boy answered immediately.

"How's it going over there?" Hendery questioned casually as Renjun glanced up from time to time, firing bullets towards the enemy.

"I'm on my way to the base, why?"

Hendery huffed, "Nothing, keep safe."

"If you were going to ask me to hit a few targets – you know that it won't work this time."

"It was worth a shot."

After taking out the remaining distractions, Renjun and Hendery proceeded with their mission, to capture yet another fedora-wearing guy.

Meanwhile, back at the base, some boys felt restless. It wasn't everyday Taeyong would tell them to stop watching over Keiko – no, there wasn't a day at all, not until today.

Ten was fumbling with his Nintendo Switch, his eyes trailing onto Taeyong from time to time as he sat in front of the latter's wooden desk, piles of worksheets stacked on top of each other.

"What do you want?" Taeyong uttered out, looking up from the papers, noticing how Ten glanced at him constantly through the corner of his eyes.

Ten heaved out a weary sigh, flailing his hands up, "I'm worried!"

"About?" Taeyong freezes, raising a brow questioningly.

"My baby–"

"The hell, Chittaphon?" Taeyong's face twisted in shock, "Since when did you have a baby—"

"My dear Keiko! How could you send her off without anyone to watch over her– what if she's being kidnapped right now!"

Taeyong choked on his own spit, reaching out for his water bottle immediately, "Keiko's fine, Ten."

"You don't know that because no one knows what's happening to Keiko right now." Ten crossed his arms, by now he had already placed his Switch down. "Eiichi's going to kill you if she gets kidnapped. I mean, he's already mad at you for dragging Keiko into your mess."

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