45 | spill the tea

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"Donghyuck?" the girl furrows her brows as the purple-dyed-haired boy peeked through the tiny gap between the door and the doorway. A mischievous smile on his lips before opening the door fully, "Good morning, babe!"

"What do you need, hm?" she qualms, fixing her bed as she was done getting ready.

Donghyuck hugs her from the back, startling her a bit, "How about we do something for fun?" he suggests with a wide grin plastered on his face.

Keiko spun around and faced the boy, "Fun? What kind of fun?"

"Something that includes the use of knives?" he tilts his head, still, he had that huge grin as he imagined his marvelous plan.

The two ended up by the upper levels of the indoor training area as Donghyuck held onto her hand as he guided her around, "You see that?" he questioned, pointing down at the combat area. Currently, Hendery and Jaemin were having a hand to hand combat.

"Mhm." she nodded as Donghyuck set knives onto her palm, "We're going to shoot them."

Yangyang, who stood afar, noticed them and jogged towards them, noticing the knives in their hands he smirked, "Are you doing what I'm thinking?"

Donghyuck nodded, "Definitely, wanna join? Wait- is that even a question? Of course, you'll join." he tossed Yangyang some knives to which he caught successfully without any cuts.

"Is there anything I need to avoid?" she inquires and they shook their head, looking down at her, "Nope. They can handle it- besides, it's not like they could kill you anyways."

Donghyuck winked at her, "We got you."

Keiko chuckles and darted her eyes on the two boys, "This won't end well." she mumbles before throwing the small knife and it happened to hit the ground, in the middle of the two boys.

Alarmed, they perked up, displeased to see the three brats, "What the hell?!" they exclaimed in unison.

"Hyung!" Hendery whined, looking at Jaehyun who just shrugged, chuckling. "Just go with it." he replies making Jaemin groan, "You're lucky I'm nice, Lee Haechan."

Hendery and Jaemin made an effort to deflect the rain of knives as they continued their combat.

"Fuck!" Hendery cried out as the rapier nearly struck him, "KEIKO DID YOU THROW THAT?!" he eyed the girl from the top who giggled, bobbing her head, "Sorry, babe."

"Babe?!" they all yelled out and shot her a look. Donghyuck pouted, "Cherrie!"

"Sorry, Hyuck." she threw a peace sign at the younger boy.

Donghyuck huffed and hurled a blade at Hendery, "Are you blushing?!" he yelled whilst Hendery hissed, "No way!"

Rolling his eyes he flung out more daggers at Hendery making the boy yelp and sprint away, "Fuck off, Haechan!"

Keiko pinched Donghyuck's cheek compelling him to stop throwing any more knives at the poor Hendery, "I think he gets it now, Hyuck."

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