50 | the three pubs

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12:04 AM, SUNDAY


"You didn't scratch it this time, right?" Yuta squints his eyes at the street-racer who shook his head, innocently smiling at the mechanic.

"Of course not!"

"Lies," Donghyuck blurted out, "He—"

Yangyang slaps a hand over Donghyuck's mouth, glaring at him, "Shut up."

Yuta took a deep breath, "I'm seriously going to kill the both of you for always making me repair your vehicles!" he yelled at the two, a scowl on his face before he grabbed his towel, wrapping it around his neck.

"I swear, one more and I will literally stop upgrading you—"

"No! Hyung, we're sorry, aren't we Yangyang? Like- we're super-duper sorry." Donghyuck suddenly cuts him off, running up to hug the Japanese mechanic. "You're like the best big brother ever, with all of these new– Ow!" he yelped, falling back as Yuta pried him off after flicking his forehead hard.

"You ain't slick, Lee Donghyuck." Yuta pointed out before walking off to repair their cars.

Yangyang walked side by side with Xiaojun who was rather quiet. He looked dull and had his head hung low, lips pursed. Noticing his weird demeanor, Yangyang nudges him with his elbow, "Are you okay?"

Xiaojun blinked repeatedly before nodding, "Huh? Oh um... yeah... I'm fine." he quickened his pace, pushing pass through Donghyuck who had a questioning look before glancing back at Yangyang.

"Is he okay?"

Yangyang frowned, shrugging his shoulders, "I- don't know."

Everyone—except Mark, Lucas, and Jungwoo—were present inside the meeting room. Doyoung knocked his fist onto the long, wooden table to earn their attention.

"As you all know, we have at least two rivals growing up our skins. The Nightwalkers and Lee Taehui himself." Doyoung announced voice laced with authority. "So far, from all the undercover that we had done during the past few days– we've covered that the Nightwalkers and Taehui have actually formed an alliance."

Doyoung gestured at Jeno and the boy stood up, a file in his grasp, "Taehui has been located in three different pubs, he's also been visiting them quite frequently. The first one is Zero Mile, the second being Domino Daze, and finally, the last pub is Mikami Crown Club."

"Domino Daze?" Renjun furrowed his brows, unaware of the bar as if it was new and never been heard of.

"It's a really popular bar in Seoul, not much talked about in the Mafia but a big talk to citizens. Known for the great DJ's and music, almost like a rave." Jeno provided him with additional information about the unheard-of bar.

"Who owns the bar?"

Jeno's gaze fell on Taeyong and the boss smirked, "Who else?"

"Keiko's grandfather."

Silence covered them for at least four minutes until a notification went off from all of their phones. They hurriedly checked what it was and Mark popped out from their screens, texting their group chat.

Nightwalkers- they've attacked our car

Without another word, Jaehyun yelled at Yangyang making the boy nod and ran out of the room, with Yuta, Sicheng, and Renjun following him.

Yangyang hopped into his car, the garage door being opened immediately by Yuta as he dashed out of the base. Renjun and Sicheng followed the street-racer, using their own motorbikes.

. . .



"What the hell was that?!" Keiko exclaimed as Mark pulled her close, both of ducked at the side of the car as they crashed after the tire was shot.

"Nightwalkers." Mark replied, grabbing a gun that was latched underneath the car before tossing it at Keiko, "Will you shoot?"

"Hell yeah." she scoffed and gripped tightly onto it, pulling the trigger, eventually hitting a few of their attackers.

Mark gaped and glanced at her, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE A BAD AIM?!"

"There's a thing called lying." she replied, "Come on, y'all are pros at it."

Mark laughed sarcastically, "Haha, very funny, Cherrie."

"I wasn't joking."

"Shut up. We aren't liars."

"Another point for Mark to be added in my lie count chart later," she said in a singsong way, grinning at the mafioso before ducking, pressing her back against the car door.

Mark rolled his eyes, smirking, "So you pay attention to what I say, hm?"

"Oh shut up." Keiko spat before covering her ears as more bullets were being fired. "Where the hell are they?!"

"They're on their wa—"

The sound of wheels drifting onto the concrete roads, the rain of pellets halted for a minute until bullets were being fired again.

Mark peeked from the side, a sigh of relief, "They're here!"

"Hold my hand," he said and stretched out his arm to her to which Keiko stared down at. "Trust me, Renjun and Sicheng won't be able to hold them off for long, we need to get to Yangyang's car fast."

Keiko took a deep breath before nodding, "Fine." she mumbled and took his hand.

"You'll be fine. I promise." Mark said before standing up, triggering bullets seven times in a row before tugging Keiko. They ran out from their only form of defense, entering the car fast and as soon as they did, Yangyang speeded off, leaving the rest to Renjun and Sicheng.

Keiko looked back, "Are they going to be fine?"

Yangyang hummed, "They will. Don't worry."

Keiko nodded, a bit breathless. She looked down, seeing her hand still in Mark's grasp. She tried moving it only for Mark to squeeze her hand gently. A smile on his lips as he gazed at her, "You trusted me..."

👀 r u sure mark? or...

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