56 | stop dreaming!

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Daniel gritted his teeth, feelings conflicted by what had just happened. Scrunching his nose, he turns around only to be greeted by a fist, sending him falling back onto the ground.

"What the fuck!?" he exclaimed, a sting by his lips, licking the metallic taste of blood. Lightly dabbing his finger to see the red color he glared up at the faded blue-haired mafioso.

Jaemin stood in front of him, eyes displaying nothing but rage. "Dickhead, you're making Keiko fall into a more dangerous trap."

"More dangerous?" Daniel cocked an eyebrow up, ridiculing Jaemin's words as a scoff left his lips. Shaking his head lightly, "She's living with a bunch of twisted mafia members and I'm trying to save her from that."

Jaemin pointed back at Donghyuck who was busy fighting off a few Nightwalkers. "And you asked the Lee Taehui to help her escape?"

"Dude- that man is twisted as hell. He may be one of the most successful businessmen out there, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have dirt nor doesn't he do any secret businesses with an illegal organization." Jaemin remarked, his lips curling up to a sly smirk. "You know nothing about what happens behind the curtains."

Daniel shook his head, not wanting to believe Jaemin. "No. You're just manipulating me! That's what you're all good at- you try and manipulate people so they won't mess with your plans!" he yelled out, his fists clenched as he stood up.

Donghyuck faked a yawn, "Man, can't you just shut up Daniel?" he rolled his eyes before knocking out the last guy from the group. Approaching the two, he crossed his arms with a stoic look plastered on his face.

"Did you even see Keiko's eyes? She was hurt by what you did, Daniel."

"Please, who's hurting her more?"

Donghyuck pushed his tongue against his inner cheek in annoyance, cocking his gun up, "I could literally kill you right now, right there, but Keiko would hate me if I do." he chuckled dryly and kept the pistol in his holster.

Daniel rolled his eyes before grabbing the collar of Donghyuck's black leather jacket, roughly yanking him up, "You think that will make Kei trust you?" The apprentice laughed, "Stop dreaming! Keiko will never love you- heck she won't even trus—" his words earned him a headbutt from Donghyuck.

The purple-ish haired boy stared at the groaning boy, "You have the guts to say that, Keiko's probably doubting you now." He turned towards Jaemin, "Let's go, he isn't worth our time."

Jaemin gave the boy one last look, "Are you sure you want to live him like this? I mean- I have enough bullets spare."

Donghyuck rolled his eyes, "He'll learn his lesson, not from me, but from Keiko herself."

.            .             .


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