10 | was family

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"Mikami Crown Club– wait, MIKAMI!?" a loud screech came from the youngest's mouth after reading the signage on top of the club.

Keiko raised a brow, "What's wrong?" placing a hand on Daniel's shoulder, causing the shocked boy to freeze in his spot.

"This... is your family's bar?" Daniel croaked out, wavering eyes looking up at the big signage.

Keiko chuckled at his unsteady form, "Yeah, well, you could say, was family." her tone dropped as she went beside Reiji. "Say hi to my cousin for me."

"You mean my girlfriend?" the male friend shot her a smug look in which she rolled her eyes at. "My cousin." she sternly said before pushing both males towards the entrance.

It happened so that Reiji met Keiko's cousin after the girl visited Pandora's Box. They grew fond of each other and ended up dating after a couple months of meeting each other privately.

Reiji nodded and went inside the club, dragging the poor, shocked boy with him. Keiko watched from the slightly tinted windows, arms crossed in front of her chest as Reiji sparked a conversation with her cousin.

A small smile tugged up her lips, heart lightening at their interaction. Her cousin, Mikami Chizue, was the only family member (other than Hansuke) she talks to. The two girls had a great bond during their younger years, making Chizue saddened at fact that Keiko was someone she now rarely sees.

A faint gunshot rang in Keiko's ears making her alarmed.

Either a hostage or there are mafias nearby.

Living under a famous name, she was taught to notice the differences between friends and foe. Mostly, after being sold to her distant uncle, she learned how to take care of herself and depend only on herself.

The feeling of eyes darted on her rose up as she pressed her back onto the street lamppost. Taking small glances to her side, she noticed a boy. Dark blue striking highlights, sharp eyes, wearing a simple white t-shirt under his black jacket and black pants.

His back leaned onto one of the walls of a shop, eyes carefully scanning his surroundings.

Unintentionally, he locked eyes with Keiko and the girl quickly averted her gaze, leaving the boy to smirk his lips in satisfaction.

Keiko turned to her left, now seeing an odd man. His bangs dropped lowly in front of his eyes as he reached for something in his pocket. The man's gaze was directed to Keiko and that made her jolt up from her position.

Closing her eyes for a bit, she took a breather before pushing herself off the lamppost and walk the opposite direction. Legs moving fast, she gripped tightly on the small pocket knife she had brought with her.


Her words were cut off when a hand pulled her roughly to the side. "What the–"

"Shut up." he grunted and began running, making the girl's eyes widen as she was forced to run with him.

"Yah! Let go of me!" she yelped and pried the boy's hand off her wrist. Keiko grinned in success, taking steps back from him. "What the fuck do you want from me."

He raised both of his hands in surrender, "I don't want anything– but he does." he uttered nonchalantly, peering over her to find the guy stomping towards them.

Keiko turns around, gaping at the mad man. She scoffs and started walking towards him, making the boy behind her flinch at her choice of actions. "Keiko– No!" he was about to stop her when he noticed her clenched fists.

"Fuck mafias." she grunted and raised a fist, only for it to land square up the man's jaw.

The guy was sent stumbling backwards from the strong impact of her fist colliding with his jaw. Gritting his teeth, he spat out on the sidewalk.

Keiko scrunched her nose in disgust, "Stay away from me, madman."

The madman laughed, "What an interesting targe—" his words got cut off as blood splattered from his head.

Keiko's eyes grew wide in shock as she watched the man fall on his knees, blood oozing out quick from the side of his head. "That must be one of your assassins." he stated in a tremulous way, looking at the boy beside Keiko. "The Nightwalkers would claim the city streets at night again, just watch out." he said before his body dropped.

"Let's go, Keiko–"

"Who the fuck are you?" Keiko questioned, moving far away before he could even touch her.

He tilts his head, arms akimbo as he gave her an amused look, "Na Jaemin."

"Yeah, leave me alone, Jaemin." she stated and began walking away, leaving the boy dumbstruck.

Groaning, he went to catch up with the girl as they walked to God knows where.

"Look, I don't know why the fuck are you following me, but I bet you're another mafia who's just like that fucking madman." Keiko grumbles, head handing low as she buried her hands in the pockets of her denim jacket.

Jaemin rolled his eyes, "I can't leave you alone."

Keiko stops and cocks a brow at Jaemin, she stifled a laugh, "Too bad. I guess I'll leave you alone then." she mocked before walking off again.

Jaemin let out a sigh of frustration, hands running through his hair, some of his dyed blue bangs falling back to cover his forehead. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"I don't care either way."

"Why the fuck are you so stubborn?"

"Why the fuck do you want me to trust you?"

"I just need you to be safe from those Nightwalkers!"

"I would be if you and your mafia friends stop bugging me." the girl retorted, now turning to face the boy.

Jaemin pinched the bridge his nose, "Listen,"

"Hell no."

He glared at her and she gave her a smug grin. "Whether you like it or not, you're already involved with us."

"Yeah, no shit." she scoffs, "What do you even want?"

"Like I said. I don't want anything from you– but my boss does."

"And that is?" she crosses her arms.

"Your life."

"Na Jaemin?"


"Tell your boss to fuck off."

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