72 | mask of the mafia

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"May I ask you something?"


Keiko deadpanned, followed by an eye roll as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. "I just wanted to know if you side on Taehui or Taeyong."

"I side with nobody." Dasom replied shortly, an eyebrow cocked up, "Does that answer satisfy you?"

"It would've, if I knew you weren't working for Taehui." Keiko shrugged plainly, waiting for Dasom to unlock the room so that they could get in.

Dasom whipped out a sleek blue card, pressing it gently against the black scanner to open the door. A 'ding' sound went out as the door unlocked, Dasom gestured Keiko to walk in but the latter shook her head, "Go ahead, you first."

Dasom rolled her eyes, "I don't trust you." She spat, yanking Keiko into the room.

Keiko sniggered, "Why not?"

"You're sly and smart. Who knows what kind of tricks you have under your sleeves."

"Aww you know me so well, I think we can be best friends," Keiko said in a sweet-sounding tone, teasing the female more.

Dasom never bothered to reply, rather ignoring the Japanese as she rummaged through the closet. Pulling out a dark red close-fitting dress. Keiko eyed the color, a smirk pulling up the corner of her lips, "The dress is calling for me."

"Well, it is for you. Red. Practically our color- well, in my opinion."

Dasom had allowed Keiko to change privately in the bathroom, as she did, Keiko couldn't help but stare at herself through the mirror. Lightly tinted lips as the lipstick had worn off already, eyes looking tired as ever from not getting enough sleep. However, she still managed to check herself out. "Damn- I seriously look good in red."

"What's taking you so long?" Dasom interjected, walking into the bathroom fully dressed in a dark blue dress. Her eyes raked over the head bartender's outfit, quite overwhelmed by how stunning she looked- she wasn't even gonna lie.

"Wow- I'd turn gay for you."

Keiko chuckled, "Sounds like you already have." She joked, grabbing Dasom's hand out of the blue, tracing different shapes onto the palm of her hand, sending shivers down the latter's spine.

"You have so many tattoos on your arms." Dasom pulled her hand back, quickly changing the topic.

Keiko looked back at herself, eyeing the inked art pieces that marked her arms. Running her fingers over them, "So Dasom?"

"Do you actually like Taeyong?"

Dasom shook his head, "No. And it's clear that they hate me. I don't hate them though- I know what I did was horrible."

Keiko squinted her eyes at Dasom, not quite familiar with what she was saying, "I'm sorry. What did you exactly do?"

"I..." Dasom looked down, "killed someone very special to them. That special someone had always been there supporting them as they grew up..."

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