27 | escape this hell

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"Kei-noona," Jisung called as the girl stood by the entrance of the mansion, looking out the huge gates where her father's car drove away. After Youngho shot Keishin, the man fell in shock as he dropped to the ground, the gun falling from his grasp as well. Keiko watched as they escorted Keishin away, to get him out of the base, as well as to treat him fast.

Now, Keiko was still in front of the mansion, her mind wandering into certain thoughts about her father. "Kei-noona..." Jisung lightly poked the girl's shoulder, only to shiver as her skin felt cold. "Noona! You're gonna freeze–"

"You too, Jisung. Get back inside, I'll take care of Keiko." the young boy flinched, looking back to see Doyoung with his arms crossed. Jisung nodded and glanced back at the girl, "I'll talk to you tomorrow, noona." he stated before scurrying back inside.

Doyoung slowly made his way towards the girl, taking off his coat, leaving him in his white long sleeved polo, and placed it over her exposed shoulders. "Keiko?"

"Hey, I know it's hard–"

A bitter chuckle escaped her lips, shoulders moving up and down in a slight motion as she scoffed, "I can't believe he could kill his own daughter– if he even considered me as one."


"Save it." Keiko muttered, "I'm just glad you didn't kill him."

"Do you want anything Keiko?" Doyoung questions, rubbing his nape as he stood next to her.

She shook her head, hugging her arms as she rubbed them to keep her warm. Doyoung nodded, sighing lightly, "Are you sure?"

"I just want to rest..." she mumbled turning around.


"Oh, what took you so long?"

Keiko looked up to identify the new voice only to find Taeyong. Brows knitting, jaws clenching, she crossed her arms, "What do you want now?"

Taeyong shrugged, "I just want to talk, Cherrie."

Doyoung cleared his throat, "Seems like I didn't need to bring her to your office. I'm gonna go to my room now, welcome to your new home, Keiko."

The girl rolled her eyes murmuring incoherent words under her breath as Doyoung left. He eyed Taeyong before leaving officially. The two made eye contact for awhile, more like five seconds, yet those five seconds felt like forever.

Keiko cocked a brow, looking away as she pulled Doyoung's coat tighter, "What?"

Taeyong approached her slowly, "I told you, Cherrie. We will win."

"So you did, now what?" she grunts, starting to grow annoyed.

"Hmm, is there anything you like? I'm not specifically referring to objects, but something you desire."

"I just want to live alone, okay?" Keiko uttered, "Can't you just leave me alone? I'm already asking nicely. I just want to run my own bar without any fucking mafias getting in the way, is it that hard." she blabbered as Taeyong listened closely.

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