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"How'd the mission go?" the Japanese mechanic questioned the assassin who had just arrived a few minutes ago. Mark tousled his hair and cracked his finger joints, "Easy~" he stated, a grin plastered on his face as always.

Ten pursed his lips, chin raising up a bit, "Did you use the bombs I told you to use?"

Mark shook his head, "We agreed to only use it if the situation gets bad, surprisingly everything went out pretty smoothly." he explains briefly, "Renjun managed to shoot a ton of them so we didn't need the bombs at all."

Ten pouted, "Man, I wanted to test if they blow up good."

"I'm pretty sure they do." the three males snapped their heads towards the new voice as Yuta smiled upon seeing his dearest friend.

"Sicheng!" Yuta called joyfully and walked up to him, not even noticing the presence of another, however Ten noticed her.

With his head tilted to one side, a grin replaced his pouty look awhile ago, "You must be Yun Keiko!"

The girl nods her head curtly, "That's definitely me."

Mark eyed her, an unfazed look plastered on his face. So she's Keiko. Is what his mind kept fuzzing about.

"Keiko, this is Nakamoto Yuta, he's also Japanese!" Sicheng exclaimed and gestured his hand towards the mechanic whom smiled in return.

Keiko furrows her brows, "You seem familiar– wait... Nakamoto? You're that guy from the contest!"

Yuta flinched as she pointed at him, he chuckled awkwardly, "Yeah... that's me..."

"You two know each other?" Ten looked at them with a confused expression.

"We bumped into each other, I guess..." Yuta trailed off, "I was there to–"

"You were there for Hansuke, weren't you?"

Yuta nodded, "I was."

"Knew it." she chuckled.

Mark's hollow gaze landed on her wrists, he stifled a laugh at it, "Guess you're not trusted yet, huh?"

Keiko sneered, rolling her eyes at his statement, "Please, I should be the one not trusting anyone here."

Mark raised a brow, the corner of his lips tugging up into a small smirk of amusement, "Oh yeah, Cherrie? It's not like you'd have a chance at killing us, though." she gave him a sarcastic look before turning back to Sicheng.

"He's Mark Lee," he points at the boy she had just talked to, "an essential member in NCT. He's the youngest executive, who runs the assassination unit."

"Essential?" she repeats with a joking tone.

Mark scoffed, "I'm the blood of the Mafia."

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