46 | the irregular

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"I don't know why you can't try and escape from them already, there are literally pieces of evidence that they'd kill you, Kei!" Daniel whisper-yelled onto her ear.

Keiko sighed, clutching onto the wiping cloth, "I would've if I could, Daniel. But I can't– they'll find me anywhere!"

Daniel scoffed, "Like they even care about you, at least give it a thought. I could even help you, on Sunday! We can meet up."

"And the excuse is?"

"You still have to make it up for me! Alone... that is."

"Like they would believe that," she mumbled and pushed the cloth away, grabbing a glass as Reiji escorted a suited male to the bar counter.

Keiko conveyed a faint smile towards the guy, "Do you have any preferences? Or a specific drink you would like?"

"I heard from a lot that you serve specialized drinks, maybe you could whip something up for me?" he looks up, all Keiko could register is how he looked. Lavish suit and tie, wrist festooned with a watch that presumably cost millions. His eyes wandered onto her nameplate, "Cerise." her name rolled off his tongue smoothly as if he was meaning to say it for a long time.

Examining his looks, Keiko could detect someone in him, but she couldn't specify who. There were tiny similarities, but whoever she was thinking, it can't be true, or is it?

Keiko tended to pop a few bottles, serving him something that had a midnight tone to it. With the dim lights of the bar saturating the vibrant color within the cocktail. A bright tint of red with a darker emphasis under, "Irregular." she whispers lowly, pushing the cocktail filled glass towards him.

The male took a small sip, the tip of his lips curving upwards as he fished out a business card from his pocket. Sliding it with his two fingers until it hit her lower arm that rested on the counter, "And this is?" she gazed down; the engraved, golden name shone in her eyes.

"Lee Taehui?" Keiko looks up, quite baffled. "Sir–"

Taehui gave her a crooked grin, gently propping down the glass he tilts his head a bit to the side, "I heard a lot about you, Mikami Keiko."

With a scowl, Keiko felt aggravated to finally recognize him- she actually wished she never did. Now, she could definitely point out little details that resembled Taeyong.

Those strong eyes. An immense aura that screamed peril. Head held up high as he remained full of honor. He was undoubtedly someone you should not mess around with.

"Mhm, I'm sure you most definitely heard of me, Mr. Lee." she said in a bitter tone, pushing back the business card, "I knew something was irregular with you."

Taehui chortled, "So that's how you came up with the name."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Lee. But, I know you're here for something."

Renjun kicked Donghyuck's foot under the table, making the latter groan and shoot a glare, "What was that for?!"

Renjun tilts his head towards the bar counter, "Taeyong-hyung's dad."

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