74 | don't look back

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A hand circled around her wrist, letting her drop the gun on the floor, clanked. Looking back she finds Jaehyun, "Darling, you lost your life in a gamble and I'm the winner."

She scowled, "I don't have time for any of your bullshit—"

"But now you're free..."

She froze, "What...?"

Jaehyun cupped her cheek gently, "You're free. You're no longer with us."

"Guys! Better hurry up and bring her to unit WayV now! We've detected incoming." Jaehyun heard Chenle and Jisung speak through their intercom. With that cue, Jaehyun pushed her to Jaemin, "Get her there safe."

Jaemin nodded, giving her a faint smile, "Hey Cherrie."

"Jaem, what did he mean by that?" She questioned, wanting to look back but Jaemin prevented her from doing so.

"No more looking back, Kei. We go forward."

"But the others—"

"They'll be fine. This is the last mission anyway."

"Last...wait- what?"

Jaemin chuckled, flashing her another smile, but this time, something was off. It seemed sad- not the usual genuine smile you'd see on his face.

Jaemin pulled her into a corner, placing both of his hands gripped onto his shoulder firmly. He looked at her dead in the eye, sternly speaking, "There's no more NCT, Kei. No more mafia...no more."

"And what will happen to everyone?" Keiko furrowed her brows, knowing how much they meant to each other. Every time she asked them about the mafia, she'd always get the same response.

They hate the mafia- but they don't mind being in it.
As long as they were together.

"We'll be okay. But we need you to get to safety first- isn't it relieving? You'll finally get away from us." Jaemin forced out of his mouth, his tone sounding bitter and dried as if he didn't want to say it out loud in the first place. His heart broke, feeling rather hurt.

"Jaem, are you ok—"

"Watch out!"

A loud gunshot resonated in their ears and Keiko was quick enough to move. Horror filled their eyes as they gawked at the person that had just pushed them back- protecting them from the incoming bullet.

"Xiaojun!" Keiko exclaimed, worried lacing her voice. His body fell forward into her embrace, a shocked expression laid across his face.

"Y-You... you're-"

Two bullets left the barrel of Jaemin's gun. Keiko looked over Xiaojun's shoulder to find the one who had shot him lying dead on the ground.

Keiko winced as they rushed out of the place, meeting Jungwoo and Lucas along the way.

"Oh fuck- more casualties!?" Lucas exclaimed upon seeing the bloody sight of Xiaojun.

"Yangyang and Ten are down the hallway waiting by the exit- Taeil's there...he'll know what to do with Xiaojun."

"And you two?" Keiko glanced at the two boys who grinned at each other.

"We have a place to explode." Jungwoo patted her shoulder, "Wait- have you seen Dasom?"

"I- uhh...sorry but no..." she shook her head, letting Jaemin go first, carrying an almost lifeless Xiaojun with him.

"Your friends are with Johnny and Kun, they're escaping through the other exit," Jungwoo informed her before throwing a bag towards Lucas, who nonetheless caught it effortlessly.

"But are you two gonna be safe?"

Jungwoo nodded, "We've done this way too many times. It's almost like a habit- besides, it'd be better if we died, right? We're nothing but criminals now. I'm nothing but a danger to you." He mumbled, averting his gaze away before pushing her out the door, "Now go. You have to be there for Xiaojun."

Before Keiko could even say anything else, the door slams closed, leaving her outside. She tried twisting the knob but it was no use. Sighing, she could only hope the best for them.

Lucas smirked, pulling out the bombs they have prepared. "Let's fucking bomb this place up!"

.            .            .

"Keiko! Let's go!" Yangyang rushed to her side, yanking her towards his red sports car.

"Wait- where's Xiaojun?" Keiko voiced out and the bot froze. He furrowed his brows, glancing back at her, "He's at the other car, now let's go—"

"Is he okay?"

"What?" Yangyang breathed out.

"I said, is he okay?" She repeated, her glassy eyes glistening under the light as they met with Yangyang's panicked ones.

He gulped down the thick lump that clogged at the back of his throat, forbidding him from saying anything. His breathing hitched, heart quite unsteady, his hand gently squeezed Keiko's hand, "I- I don't know...it was quite fatal. It could've punctured an organ...we- I don't know."

"I want to see him—"

"You can't Keiko. You can't." He begged, shaking his head. "They're taking care of him- he'll be okay. Now let's go before the bomb goes off." Without another word, Yangyang pulled her close to the car, opening the door for her, and waited for her to enter.

Rushing into the driver's seat, the engine revving as he started the car. "Keiko..." he trailed off, peering up at her.

She kept silent, all she could think was are they okay? Will they be okay? No one's hurt...right? No one will die...right?

"We'll be fine. They'll be fine."

"No one will die- right, Yang?" She almost choked out.

Yangyang pressed his lips together, finding it difficult to respond. Instead of giving her an answer, he just passed a bottle of water towards her, "Drink this."

Keiko sighed, knowing Yangyang purposely avoided answering her question.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped on the gas, "I hope so." He whispered, a few minutes passed and a loud explosion was heard.

Keiko was about to look back when she recalled Jaemin's words.

"No more looking back, Kei. We go forward."

And that was probably the last thing she ever heard before she fell into a deep slumber.


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