33 | the brat is gone

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Xiaojun sighed deeply, stopping in front of Keiko's door. He knocked on the door patiently, "Keiko, wake up." he stood there knocking for what felt like forever, despite it only being a minute.

He kept knocking until he lost patience, budging inside the room, "Brat– I've been calling you for twenty ti– Keiko?" his eyes lingered onto the bed which was neatly made.

Xiaojun panicked, looking around the room to examine any further changes, but all the valuables they have provided her with stayed the same. He gulped and ran out of the room, dashing inside the dining hall where most of them were seated either eating their food.

"Dejun, where's Keiko?" Ten questioned, noticing the absence of the supposed girl beside him.

Xiaojun reached up to scratch his head, "Actually, she's not in her room..."

"In other words– the brat is gone."

All of them had stopped their motions, shocked to hear that she had suddenly disappeared. Jaemin coughed, "What do you mean 'she's not in her room'?"

Most of them had their eyes on Taeyong who ordered Doyoung to contact the Dream members who were still at their unit.

Comes in quickly were Jisung with Jeno and Chenle. Jisung smiled apologetically at Taeyong, "She... uhh– went out."

"H-How? When– How?!" Yangyang huffed and stood up.

Jeno went to his seat as Chenle offered to show them the surveillance video from an hour ago. Donghyuck grinned, seeing the Japanese girl try to interrogate with the front security– obviously failing she decided to throw a punch.

"Wait–" Renjun raised his hand, "Jungwoo-hyung, didn't run some errands around that time earlier?"

Jungwoo chuckled, nodding at Renjun, "I let her out, even drove her to her destination."

Taeyong clenched his jaw, rolling his eyes as he turned to Jungwoo who just looked at him slyly. Grinning wide, Jungwoo sipped onto his wine, "Oh, I'm sorry? Aren't I allowed to do that, Boss?"

Jaehyun slammed his fist into the dining table, "Jungwoo. Enough."

The said boy scoffed, standing up, "Keiko hates everyone here, especially you Taeyong." he points at the male. "Don't expect to get her that easily, just give in to your father," he said before leaving.

.      .      .


"You just had to come this early in the morning, huh?" the grumpy male uttered as he sat in his living room with no other than Keiko.

"Oh shut up, Reginald."

He jolted up at the use of his actual name, "Yah! It's R-E-I-J-I. REIJI. Reiji Young." he corrected and Keiko just snorted at him.

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