Chapter 12

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Asher's POV

"Do you want a beer?" Ace asks.

"Yeah" I throw a sour patch kid into my mouth.

He comes back handing me a cold beer and places his onto the coffee table before taking the middle seat on the three seated couch diagonal from me.

"So, is this what we're doing since Camila is staying at Julia's?" He says leaning back.

I sigh taking a swig of beer feeling the cold fizz slide down my throat, "Yeah, I've got a party tomorrow maybe we can score?"

"Didn't you just fuck Julia in the dorm showers?"

"So? That was like four days ago"

"So...aren't you two like a thing?" He says clearly confused.

"No" I've barely spoke to her and I think I'll keep it that way after the whole girlfriend thing. Yeah she's been on my mind and I want to see her, I'm keeping far away from now on, fuck having a girlfriend. She keeps messaging me and I try so hard to ignore so I just give her dry responses which I think she has taken the hint.

"Okay, why don't we just go out tonight?"

I look down at my phone checking the time and smile looking up at him "Have a few more games and we can head to Becca's" I definitely think fucking a girl will stop me from being a pathetic piece of shit about that sexy redhead, I achieved what I wanted which was to fuck her, it's done. I don't care if Cam will hate me, she'll hate me anyway.

We play a few games of NBA while drinking beer and eating candy before having quick showers and heading to Becca's, she phoned me while we were making our way there saying she's at the frat party so we changed route and headed there.

We head inside after jumping out of our Uber and paying, girls are already drunk and dancing like beautiful creatures. I know we're late but damn, we look really late. Everyone is so drunk.

"Ace, Ashhh!" Rebecca slings her arms over mine and Ace's shoulder pulling us into the kitchen.

"Hey Becca" I lean against the counter looking her up at down.

Her shiny black hair falling over her shoulders as she wears short shorts and a crop top which enhances her bust.

Meh..she's no redhead.

"I got these pills" she leans into my chest putting her full weight on me as her bloodshot dilated eyes bore into mine.

"Oh yeah?"

"Here.." she pulls something out her shorts pocket, "Open big boy" she demands.

I open my mouth and she places the pill into my tongue, I reach over taking a beer from the crate and twist it open, I chug the beer allowing the pill to go down.

I look up seeing Ace no where to be found, "What happened to your knuckles?" She looks down to my busted knuckles taking my hand in hers.

"Ty" is all I say, I'm not telling her my business.

"You hit Ty? Is that why he has a black eye"

"Yes I hit my friend" I sarcastically say.

"Really?" She tilts her head.

"Don't be stupid, Ty needed me and I was there...simple"

"Whatever, I need a drink" she rolls her eyes and walks away from me.

I look to my right seeing a blonde girl looking at me, her eyes slowly running down my body with a small smile on her red lips.

I take a swig of beer and look away from her, Ace leans beside me with a glass of whatever it is and smirks my way.

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