Chapter 39

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Julia's POV

"Jules, open the door" Asher knocks again begging for me to open the door.

I lay in bed looking at the ceiling wondering where he's been the entire weekend, it didn't take him long to give up trying to contact me.

"Jules, I know you're in there!" He bangs on the door louder.

It hurt what he said to me and it breaks my heart that a stupid rumour has gotten back to him, I did no such thing like give a guy a..blowjob. In high school all I did was focus on classes and as soon I got home I studied or did homework, sometimes I would even hang out at my best friend's house and we would eat chips while listening to Led Zeppelin or Rolling Stones. I miss him so much, I was planning on going to a college in New York with him and I worked so hard to get into an Ivy League school but it made me homesick just thinking about not being able to take the car and go see my mum and dad.

"I won't leave until you open the door, I just want to talk!"

"Are you going to talk to him?" Aiden finally voices giving me a weary look.

I forgot he was even here, I sit up and look at him sitting on the chair near my desk. His books laid out on the desk neatly as mine is stacked on the bed in front of me, I completely forgot we were studying. I was lost in my own head for a second.

"Jules...come on, I said I'm sorry"

"Why aren't you talking to him?" He questions with his brow risen.

"Doesn't matter" maybe I'm being stupid, maybe I'm being hard on him or maybe I'm not hard on him enough.

"Kitten, I'll start shouting and you don't want that" he says loud enough for us to hear.

"Just talk to him, he's giving me a headache" Aiden sighs leaning his elbows on the desk, I know he has had a long week.

I huff in annoyance and swing the door open, Asher is leaning against the doorframe with a look of pure exasperation, his hand risen to pound on the door again.

I step outside closing the door behind me, he steps back giving me space.

"You really fucking annoy me! Why are you ignoring me?" He spits and shoves his busted knuckles in the front of his jean pockets.

I roll my eyes, "It's not nice is it" I give him a sarcastic smile.

"Don't pull that shit, why are you dodging me? I said I was sorry and I did even do anything wrong"

"You said hurtful things to me"

"No I didn't! I didn't call you names, I didn't fucking say a word, I was pissed off with you because you're embarrassed by me"

"Hearing that hurts, I already told you I would never feel embarrassed by you and then you threw a rumour in my face, a rumour which I didn't want you knowing because I don't want you thinking of me in that way"

"What way Julia? It's not a bad thing, I was get all sorts of shit in high school, I don't care who you were with before me"

Something about him saying those words make my heart skip a beat, he doesn't care about anyone before him..because he only cares about the present.

"Then...why bring it up?"

"Because I was angry with you, I already told you this" he reaches out and grabs my hand gently, immediately inhaling a breath of relief from my touch.

"I didn't do it"

"I know" he nods as a smirk curls up on his lips, "I'm sorry okay?"

I nod looking down to the floor, he yanks on my arm pulling me into him. His arms wrapping around my neck as my arms wrap around his waist holding him tightly.

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