Chapter 84

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Asher's POV

"You think this looks okay?", I say fixing my suit jacket in front of the mirror. I'm back in New York now and have been for a week, I probably would have stayed in Texas since Ace proposed to Camila and she was over the moon. I can't believe my best friend and my sister are getting married and I can't wait to watch it, I wish our mother was there to witness it. I'm kind of glad it's Ace because it could have been someone I despise but I had to come back to New York for work and tonight I have a date with Julia so I'm glad we won't need to sneak around.

"It looks good man", Ethan says. "Why you nervous? you were shagging her last weekend"

"That's not the point, we haven't been on an actual date before and I don't want to fuck it up. I want to be respectful and charming..everything she deserved and didn't get when I was a stupid teenager. Sex is a breeze and dates..I've never really done so..that's why", I've been on dates but not with someone I love. My palms are sweating. "I think I need a cigarette", I turn to Ethan sitting on the gaming chair as he plays NBA.

"You don't need one, chill out man. You've been off cigarettes for ages now so don't ruin it", His brows knitting together in concentration as he leans forward, giving me quick glances to see my reaction. I know I shouldn't so I won't smoke. I'm trying to be the healthiest I can so I can at least be there for my sister her whole life. Even thought being healthy doesn't mean I'll stay alive forever because other things happen...I hope not and I hope I'll always be there for Cam.

"Okay", I sigh turning back to the mirror checking if my tie is neat, "Where's Laura anyway? Normally she's here telling me what to wear and what aftershave to coat on"

"She's working but she didn't really say much", he shrugs.

"Surprised", I groan when I mess up the tie and need to tie it again

"Here", Ethan pauses the game and begins to do it for me, "So where you taking this marvelous girl that you've been in love with for 6 years?" 

I smirk, "That fancy Italian place", I tell him.

"With the expensive food and tiny portions?" 

"Yeah", I laugh. 

"Must love her enough to splash money on that, Laura gets a McDonald's if she's lucky", He jokes. I know that's a joke since he's splashed numerous money on Laura. He proposed to her in Rome for fuck sake.

"Yeah and I don't want to fuck it up this time" 

"You won't", He pats my shoulder, "Done"

I look in the mirror and it's finally straight, I make sure I've got my wallet and key as Ethan turns off the game and we head out into the parking lot. "Have fun" Ethan says climbing into his BMW. I climb into my car and head to Julia's to pick her up. The closer I get the more nervous I become, I hope she likes what I'm wearing and I really fucking hope she likes the restaurant.

When I reverse my car into a space in her parking lot building I check the time and pick up the courage to be as confident as I can. I'm literally sweating, I spent last weekend with her and had wild sex with her but I'm nervous for a date with her...I should've been nervous for the sex not the date considering It took six years to get laid. I really want this to go well.

I knock on her door fixing my jet black blazer, the door swings open and I look up. My jaw immediately drops as my eyes slowly run over her body. She's wearing a black dress with long sleeves, it has a slit on her left leg almost reaching her hip, any further and I'm sure I'd see a black thong. The dress is short but so fucking hot. Her tits are pushed up from the tights dress that hugs her curves beautifully. She's wearing the fishnet tights that I love her wearing, they're black too. She's wearing these black heeled boots that go perfectly with her style and dress. Her eyeshadow consists of dark colours and different shades of black that make her grey/blue eyes pop. Her eyeliner winged and her eyelashes long. She completely topped the look with red lipstick. Her red hair up in curls as her grown out bangs sit nicely at the sides of her face. A necklace around her neck that looks like a heart looking lock and she's wearing another one but I'm unsure what is it. She looks fucking unreal and I'm now wishing I never made the deal with myself that I'll walk her home and kiss her goodnight instead of railing her in the bed until she can't walk straight.

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