Chapter 52

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Asher's POV

I sigh leaning my head back against the couch as rap music plays in the background faintly. Thomas is playing the PlayStation with some guy as another one watches while sat on a lawn chair eating Doritos, I've never met them before but they seem like heavy stoners. Ty is rolling a joint, he had one like ten minutes ago. Some guys are stood around the kitchen talking and drinking alcohol. The whole place reeks of weed and something I'm unsure off but definitely smells like someone died or some shit.

After hearing Julia's voice it's been on my mind all week, I've been craving to hear her voice again even if it's just to listen to her shout at me or to hear her obnoxiously loud squeaky voice as she laughed or got excited about something so stupid.

I need to forget about her because it's only torturing me more.

"Here" Ty stretches out his arm to me as he holds the freshly rolled joint.

I shake my head, I'm still gone from the last one and if I have another I'll fall asleep and never waken up, I don't want to sleep, not yet anyway.

He sighs bringing it to his lips and lighting it up. I look towards the tv and Thomas's character knocks out the other one, he jumps up laughing with success, boosting of his win.

"James, you suck!" He laughs, rubbing it in. I chuckle before my phone begins to ring in my pocket. I answer when reading Ace's name.


He's quiet for a moment, I hear light sobs in the background before Ace tells me something that makes my heart drop, "Ash, something happened" his voice strained.

I sit up and lean forward, "What do you mean?" I grit out.

"Something happened to Cam, you should get here" I can hear panic in his voice, I have so many questions but my sister's health is my first thought.

I stand up and head towards the door, I hear Ty shouting my name asking where I'm going, "I'm leaving now" I tell Ace and hang up. I hop into my car and I'm backing out the parking spot with great speed. Hearing something happened to my baby sister is sending my head sky high of what happened. Was it her crying in the background, I hate hearing her and my mother cry. Did Ken do something again? Did someone else? I'll fucking kill them.

When I arrive Ace is sitting on the couch looking drained, upset and overall angered with something, the anger is the most noticeable which makes me wonder what the fuck has happened. It must be something serious for him to call in a panic.

I look at him and his eyes stare back at me, flames behind his eyes, "What happened?" I clench my jaw.

His eyes peer behind me and I glance back seeing my sister, her sad eyes, her slumped shoulders and her puffy cheeks from crying catch my attention.

"What happened!?" I repeat. She glances at Ace and he looks away from her to me.

"I swear to fucking god, if someone doesn't tell me what he fuck is happe..."

"Steven..." Ace cuts me off and gulps like he is about to throw up.

"What about Steven?" I fucking hate that guy, he's always in my way when making delivery's and he never pays me back when suppose to so I'm glad I cut him off and humiliated him in front of everyone and most of all I'm glad I fucked his girlfriend, the sick fucker thinks the world revolves around him and he is untouchable but he isn't.

He glances Cam again before continuing, "He..."

"He what!?" I rush him, "Spit it out!"

"He raped Camila, Monday night!" He stands up rushing the words from hell as he begins to pace the living room.

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