Chapter 68

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Asher's POV

"It's okay, mum is sleeping and she can't wait for your birthday tomorrow. She's planning to do fun things when you come down next weekend" Cam laughs lightly, she seems in a better mood than she did this morning on the phone.

"Tell her she doesn't need to worry about my stupid birthday" I huff, my birthday is the furthest thing to think about right now.

"Ash, you're going to be twenty-two. You should be excited about it" 

I sigh, "My birthday isn't the thing to worry about right now. When is treatments starting?" 

"Monday, that's when she's beginning Chemo so we're hoping it works. She keeps saying she isn't worried and just wants to get better for us but...Ash i can see she's terrified, terrified that it doesn't work and I know I would be able to keep it together when saving her hair off" 

"She'll be fine, she's strong..." I say, I'm trying so hard to think positive, "Why do you need to shave her hair?" 

"Instead of it falling out during Chemo she wants to shave it before" 

I chew on my bottom lip thinking about my mother crying as she shaves her hair but I'm trying to stay positive for my mum and Cam, I look down at the concrete floor not knowing what to say to make the situation sound positive, "Mum is strong Cam, just like you are. The woman in this family are strong and can take on anything" I smile knowing it's true, "Get some sleep and I'll talk to you tomorrow" 

"Okay, I don't know what I would do without you Ash" She sadly sighs, "Goodnight and I love you" 

"Love you too, fugly" I chuckle, her laugh sounds through the phone and I grin knowing something normal such as me calling her fugly has lifted her mood.

"Night" She says through her small laugh before ending the call

I rip the phone away from my ear and shove it back into my pocket, I look towards Jules and she's chewing on her vegan burrito looking my way, concern in her eyes, "Is everything okay?" she says after she swallows. 

"Uhm..yeah" I don't want to tell her about my mum because I don't want pity or anything that makes her feel sorry for me or this family, we'll get through it. We always do.

"Are you sure, you can talk to me?" 

I left out a laugh, it comes out as more of a puff of air as I scratch my eyebrow, "I found out today mum has cancer"

Her entire face drops and the rosy colour drains from her cheeks, "Oh my god, is she okay?" 

"Yeah for now, she starts chemotherapy on Monday but, she's strong and will get through it so I'm not worried" I smile and take a bite of my burritos. 

"It's amazing that you think positively, she is a strong woman and such an amazing mother", Her smile thin. 

"Yeah...she is" 

"You said I've changed but I see the change in you too" she tells me after swallowing her bite agian.

"How so?", I know I've change but not in a bad way I hope. 

"You're a lot more positive and you look so proud and...just overall healthy", a coy smile on her beautiful face.

I chuckle, "I guess so" , I shrug taking two large bites of my burrito. I have one bite left and then I'm done, she still has half of the burrito which is quite funny to me. 

We sit in comfortable silence as we finish eating our food, she leans back with her palms flat on the concrete as she looks up at the night sky, I'm more mesmerized by her so my eyes are no where in the sky. Her red short curly hair falls back off her face showing her perfectly sculpted features. Her red lipstick isn't quite intact anymore, only the outline but she's still so fucking perfect. It makes me wonder if I didn't fuck up all of those years we could have our own apartment as we went to college and had the best times cuddling, going on dates, watching movies and have the best possible sex. I would have been happier than I am today.

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