Chapter 60

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Asher's POV


Grasping the hot mug in my hand as I gaze down at the busy street and tall buildings from my tall glass window. I blow on the mug before tipping it back, I sip making sure not to burn my mouth.

The tall glass window in front of me is giving me an amazing clear view, I don't think I'll ever get tired of this. I've applied for NYU, The Cooper Union, Webb institute and the city college of New York. I'm hoping I get into at least one so hopefully I find out any day now. To keep money coming in I have gotten a small job it's a café a few blocks away, I never thought I would be working in a café but I need the money.

I've been decorating to keep myself busy, sometimes I want a beer but I mange to keep it off my mind most days. I'm still smoking cigarettes because it's keeping my mind stress free but I haven't had a joint in around two months, the first week was the hardest. I bought weed and it last a week and a half but ever since then I haven't had any and I'm proud of myself for that. In time I'll be off cigarettes hopefully, it's a lot of money which I can't afford.

My apartment isn't complete because I've been taking my time, I've still got a few things to get and then it will be done. I finish my coffee and walk over to the sink to wash the mug, I huff looking around my dull studio apartment. It gets lonely a lot but it's peaceful, I've picked up running and do it every morning before coming back to shower and go to work. The first couple of runs were hard because my body wasn't use to it and now it's easier than the first, I might start the gym because people say working out helps clear your head, going for runs helps so maybe a full workout will help too.

The one thing I can't get out my head is Julia, I keep wondering if she's happy or what's she's doing, I know she spent the summer with Camila before leaving to where ever, I haven't asked Cam where she now goes to college and even if I asked I don't think she'll tell me. Camila has been great, I try talk to her as much as possible for both our benefits. I don't ask about Julia and she doesn't tell me or mention anything about her, I'm glad because if she did I would want to take a plane to where she is and that's the reason I've stopped looking at her social media's, it's too tempting.

Camila is doing well in classes despite what happened with her and Ace, I know she's still sad about it but she knows she had to get on with it, she mentioned something about following her dreams.

I sigh falling back onto the couch that is also a pull out bed, in time I can maybe afford a one bedroom apartment in a much more expensive area. I flick through the channels on my small tv wondering what the fuck to watch, everything on tv sucks at the moment.

I check my emails on my phone seeing no new emails, my mothers name pops up on the screen and I smile.

I've been becoming closer to her and she calls mostly everyday, sometimes she gets excited wanting to video call with both Cam and I, I know she gets lonely too.

"Hey mum" I answer and place my feet on the coffee table.

"Camila is in the hospital" her voice strained like she's been crying.

I sit up with my eyes wide, "What!? Why? Is she okay?" I sit up and begin pacing around the coffee table.

"She in a lot of pain and on pain killers..."

"What happened mum!?" I raise my voice.

"The hospital called me, it happened again...she lost another little angel and this time she said she had no signs of pregnancy, she cried for hours..Asher" her voice is so sad, I feel my throat close up at the thought of my sister going through that again.

"How far along was she?" I barely get out, it pains me knowing my sister has gone through this twice at the age of nineteen.

"Three was Ace's" she tells me.

"I'll get a plane down as soon as I can" I rush out.

"No, you don't have the money right now sweetie. She'll be fine and when she awakes I'll tell her to call" her voice cracks.

"You sure?" I feel like I should be there to help or something, not that I could do much but still.

"Yeah sweetie, I'll get her to call. Have you heard from any colleges yet?" She asks changing the sad subject.

"No not yet" I sigh.

I wish I could be there for Cam but I know mum is by her side. Two babies...two, she's only nineteen.

"I'm going to get her food before she awakes, I love you and stay safe please"

"You too and I love you, mum" I hang up.

I don't know what to do, the whole night will be filled with wonder if Cam's is actually okay. She may say she's fine but i know when you say "I'm fine" it means you're dying inside.

I make another cut of coffee and slick through the channels again waiting for a phone call from Cam, I haven't even eaten yet because I'm desperate to talk to her.

After a long hour the phone call finally comes through, "Hello" I say placing my mug on the coffee table.

"Hi" her voice soft.

"How you feeling?" I ask, if she says fine...then I'll know she isn't. She lost another baby so of course she isn't.

"Uhm...I don't know, I keep thinking something is wrong with me, am I stupid for not knowing I was pregnant twice?" Her voice coming out a squeak.

"You're not stupid Cam and nothing is wrong with you..."

"There must be, it's happened two times and this time I had no signs of pregnancy...both times i was alone it's like punishment"

"For what?"

"I don't know, I must've done something"

"You haven't Cam, please don't think that way. Maybe it just wasn't your time but it will get better, I promise" I assure.

"You really think so"

"Yeah I do" my voice firm.

"Thanks Ash, I don't know what I'd do without you" her voice still full of sadness but I knows she's trying to stay positive. My words slowly but surely sinking into her head.


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