Chaper 58

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Asher's POV

I've been laying here for hours with my breakdown repeating in my head. I feel embarrassed that I had a breakdown in front of my family and Ace, I can't believe it took finding out about Ace and Cam to finally snap. I know they're in Cam's childhood room and it makes my skin crawl, they could be doing some nasty shit and it's gross. I have no idea how I didn't notice before, there were so many signs but it was never a thought because I didn't think anything like that would happen. I feel stupid though but I guess I was more focused on my own shit and Jules.

I hear a loud knock coming from the front door downstairs, I sit up wondering if I'm just hearing things but when I hear it again i open my door to the dark quiet hall, I make my way downstairs with minimal creeks of the staircase hoping to not waken anyone.

I open the door and when I see Ken's face I go to slam the door in his face, he blocks with his foot pushing the door open, I take steps back avoiding his personal space.

"You got my money yet?" He reeks of alcohol and I know this won't go well but I also don't want him to waken anyone. My mums been through enough shit with my breakdown she doesn't need this.

"I don't have it because I didn't take the damn watch!" I whisper yell, he takes a step forward and I step back.

I can't do this today, not today...I just can't.

"Bullshit!" He spits, you can tell he's wasted as his words are slurred but it's like he knows what he's doing.

"Why would I want the watch?"

"Yeah well I asked your slut of a mother and she said you didn't take it but I know better than to believe her!"

I can feel my anger rising at the awful words he speaks of my sweet mother, "Don't call her that, you were the one that cheated at the end of the day!"

"You don't think she wrapped her legs around any of my friends from Scotland...she is a slut that's why I found someone else"

"You literally found someone that is a slut so leave mums name out your mouth, I don't have your fucking money because I didn't take your watch so get out..." His fist connects with my jaw which surprises me. Why does he always have to hit me, why does he want too?

Retaliating I push harshly on his chest feeling my jaw ache and lip sting, he stubbles back knocking over a vase that mum loves so much, it was a gift from my grandparents.

Oh shit, I didn't even want to fuck up and I still fuck up.

"Asher!" I hear mums voice from the top of the stairs, when she sees Ken she practically sprints downstairs. Her eyes glancing at the vase smashed on the floor and then me.

"I'm sorry" I apologise.

She raises her hand up to stop me from saying anything further "No sweetie, don't apologise"

"What are you doing here, Ken?" She ties her fluffy dressing gown in a bow covering her silk pyjamas.

"I'm here to talk to him!" He points at me, I feel weak standing behind my petite mother but after being punched it reminded me how hard he can actually hit.

"What for?"

"None of your business is it!"

"Don't talk to her that way!" I hate the way he disrespects her, I'm so scared of him but I would rather take a beaten than allow him to speak to her that way or speak of her that way.

"Wrap it, you muppet!"

"Everyone is asleep, Ken!" He raises her voice becoming impatient. I swear if he lays a hand on her I will fucking kill him.

Asher & Julia| 16+✔️Where stories live. Discover now