Chapter 91

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Asher's POV

For the first time in two months Julia is the first one sleeping. The longer Camila is asleep the more impatient and desperate I become for her to awaken. I don't know how much longer I can take of this,  watching my sister laying in bed, lifeless. Ace went to visit baby today, when he took long to get coffee I wondered around trying to find him when he wasn't by the coffee machine I asked the nurse I always see on Cam's floor, she said he was seeing his daughter. He said he just ended up in there like something pulled him in that direction, he said he felt like Cam made him do it and he was gone for hours talking to her and showing her pictures of Cam, he wishes he done it sooner. He's going to be an amazing dad, I know it. 

I huff and look to my left seeing Julia snuggling the duvet to her body as she lightly breathes, soon the drool will be coming from her mouth. Right now I wish I could talk to my mum, tell her all about winning Julia back and advice on how to cope, she would be so positive and know exactly how to deal with what's happening right now. Back in college I would use weed or cigarettes to overcome all my overwhelming emotions and right now I only have Julia and Ace, we're all feeling the exact same way so I don't think we're helping one and other. I can't even turn to sex like before either because It's the last thing on my mind...well actually, it helped before right? So it would help Julia and I, I'm sure it would ease any lingering emotion and help take our mind of things. 

I pull the duvet from Julia's arms and pull her towards me, she groans and stirs latching her arms around me, "Baby", I tuck her hair behind her ear and cup her rosy cheek, she's so warm.

"Hmm?", she moans laying her head on my chest, I laugh a real laugh for the first time in two months. 

"Kitten?", I pull her body on top of mine. 

"Hmmhm?", she moans again slightly opening her eyes. When she realises she isn't dreaming her eyes ping open, "Is everything okay?", concern written on her face. 

"No", I wrap my fingers around the back of her neck and crash my lips onto hers, my tongue laps hers and she moans pulling away. I don't think we've properly kissed in months. 

"You sure everything is okay?", her fingers run through my hair. 

"Yeah, I thought maybe we could have sex since we haven't in two months and maybe it would take our mind of things...", when she tilts her head in confusion I realise I maybe shouldn't have woken her up when it's her first night actually falling asleep fast, that was selfish of me. "I'm sorry, it doesn't matter I shouldn't have woken you. Go back to sleep baby", I kiss her forehead.

"Asher", both of her finger rake through my hair holding a concerned look.

"It's fine, baby. Go back to sleep", my hands slide up and down her back as I close my eyes. I feel her lightly kiss my chest and I open my eyes to see hers boring into mine. She begins to kiss lower reaching the waistband of my boxers, her eyes not leaving mine. Watching her kiss down my chest makes my dick spring alive. 

When she curls her fingers around the waistband my phone rings causing her to jump, "Sorry", I apologise to her for my phone ruining the moment. She sits up resting on my legs as I reach over for my phone, "Hello?", I answer and watch as Julia pulls her hair onto one shoulder. 

"Hey, you need to get here now", Ace practically shouts through the phone to me.

"What?", I sit up. Why does he sound stressed? Is he drunk?

"Cam's heart rate monitor started beeping like crazy and they shoved me out the room and it's been like ten minutes, please come to the hospital...I'm freaking out"

"Okay, I'm on my way!", Julia's eyes widen and when I hang up she's quick to ask what's wrong.

"Ace is freaking out, something happened with Cam's heart rate monitor", I say lightly pushing her off and finding any clothes to throw on. She follows by stripping off her pyjamas and throwing on a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt, she doesn't bother with a bra and pulls a hoodie over her head. We head to the hospital and I'm grateful it's night time which means hardly any cars on the road. 

We race up to Camila's room and when we burst through the door out of breath I'm gobsmacked to see Cam sitting on the bed with Ace laughing by her side. I hear Jules let out a shaky breath with Camila awake in front of her, she's just as shocked as I am. 

"Hi bro", Cam says smiling my way. 

"Oh my god!", I rush to her side pulling her into me, "You're fucking awake" 

"Of course she is, she's my strong girl", Ace beams.

"Jules", Cam tilts her head to Julia with a small head tilt, I look to her standing at the door with glossy eyes, "Come here", Cam's voice cracks. Jules leaps forward bursting into tears holding Cam tight. 

"Did you see baby?", Jules says pulling out of Cam's hold.

"Yes", Cam squeals with happiness, "and we decided to name her after mum, Jo, like mum but instead of it being short for Joana it's short for Josephine" 

"Mum will love it, she'll be dancing on the spot", I chuckle. I can't believe she's finally awake.


The next chapter is the final chapter of Asher & Julia's story! 😢 How do you feel? I'm hoping to make the last chapter long for you guys! But I can't believe it's coming to an end. Thank you to everyone who stuck to the very end of this emotional rollercoaster. Again like I always say, Thanks for the support and constant loyalty. Until tomorrow...

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