Chapter 51

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"Hey, shit head" I say to Cam walking past her and heading to the kitchen. I know she's been feeling down lately since the whole Ken thing so I'm trying to act as normal as I can.

"Hey, want to order pizza tonight?" She drops her bag at the door and follows me into the kitchen.

"You paying?" I lowly chuckle, it feels good having a normal conversation with my sister again.

"Split it?" She says and takes a seat on the stool.

"Sure" I nods with a small smile when pulling out a can of coca-cola from the fridge.

"Didn't you have classes today?" She asks studying the clothes I'm wearing.


I crack the can open, should I tell her. It will come out sooner or later so why not now, "I got kicked out" I admit taking a sip of my soda.

"You what!?" Shock takes over her face.

"It's not a big deal" I shrug.

"Asher, it's such a huge deal!"

Here we go.

"Don't start" I huffs and take the can to my lips again feeling the cold fizz slide down my throat.

"How are you paying for this?" She gesture her hand in a circle meaning the apartment.

"I have it figured out, don't worry"

"How?" She raises a brow, it's like she knows already but needs confirmation.

"That doesn't matter okay, just be thankful that I'm managing to keep food in this kitchen"

"What are doing for money Asher?" Her voice low and demanding, it won't work.

"Camila..." I run my hand through my hair, "Just leave it the fuck alone" why has she got to know everything.

"Are you selling weed again?"

"For fuck sake" I walk out the kitchen clenching the can in my hand.

I'm fed up of her constant interrogation, she always expects the worst and I can't exactly say she's wrong because most of the time she's right, it's annoying.

I close my bedroom door behind me and take in the mess scattered around my room, I think this is the messiest it's been. Water bottles and beer bottles over my desk and floor, my trash can is stacked in empty beer bottles and wrappers from snacks. My clothes piled on the chair and on the floor, clean and dirty. I sit down on the bottom of my bed, the bed is probably the neatest and cleanest place in here. I grab my cigarettes and pull one out lighting it up and taking it to my lips. I stare at the wall in deep thought about where I would be right now.

I could still be with Julia if I wasn't such a dick, I could be in class if I didn't have bad attitude like Ruby said. I could have actually been happy if my father didn't ruin my childhood but I guess that's all out the window.

I stub the last of the cigarette out in the ashtray and pick up my phone, I hover over Julia's name once again, I click on her name I've been so tempted and I'm finally doing it. It doesn't ring just goes straight to voice mail...did she fucking block my number?

A notification pings at the top and I click on it.

Ruby: Come to your senses yet?

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