Chapter 31

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Julia's POV

"Hi mum" I greet my mother with a huge bear hug.

My dad appears from the living room door and places his hands on his hips as he looks at us with admiration.

"Dad!" I jump up into his arms, he pulls me into his embrace.

"Hi pumpkin, you're taller" he teases as we pull away from the hug.

"Maybe your just shrinking because you're getting old" I banter back, my father and I can joke about things like this but my mother is a whole different story.

Dad laughs and ruffles my hair, I try flatten my hair after pushing his hand away and following my mother.

"How school?" She asks.

"Good, really good" I half lie. Classes are amazing and so are the friends I've made but Asher is always on my mind and one minute I think he has these true feelings for me then I doubt myself that he could never actually ever like someone like me. He told me he likes me but what if it's just to stay inside my pants, my heart is saying he loves me but he is scared to admit it and my head is laughing at me.

"Julia!" Mum clicks her fingers in my face.

"What?" I shake my head from my pondering.

Her eyes narrow, "I said how is Camila? She's such a lovely girl, I would love to meet her one day"

I feel my heart drop, I haven't spoken to her in what feels like years when I haven't known her that long. "One day" I give her the fakest smile.

"And Aiden is it?" She says unsure.

"Yeah Aiden..."

"He seems like a lovely well put together boy"

"He is, he helps me study a lot" He is really smart and I'm...well average.

"That's good" she smirks, I know that smirk and I don't like it.

I don't say anything but she continues, "Maybe a boy you'll like to take home to meet the family?"


"What boy?" Dad appears and goes into the fridge for some orange juice.

"My friend, Aiden" I clarify.

"Aiden seems like a good kid" he nods.

"Yes he does" they both smile at each other but my father scowls when realising my mother's smile.

"If he touches my baby girl I'll break his face" he warns my mother.

She tuts and I roll my eyes, "He is just a friend!"

"Okay, okay!" She puts her hands up in surrender.

"She's too young to be dating, she needs to focus on college and do something great" he winks at me proudly, he thinks he sticking up for me but I'm reality he isn't, he can't tell me who to date and when.

"I'm not too young" I say under my breath.

"Julia Maeve Graham!"


"Have you got a secret boyfriend that we don't know about?" Excitement laced through my mother's words.

"Best not have"

"No I don't" he isn't my boyfriend, I don't know what he is.

Asher's POV

Dinner was quiet, it was just Cam and Mum talking and I barely said five words. I don't know what's wrong with me at the moment but I'm dying for a joint and Julia's words are still in my head, I wouldn't mind a beer either.

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