Chapter 29

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Asher's POV

I count the wad of cash in my hand making sure I have the correct amount to pay Dean back, Ty places a cold beer on the messy coffee table and disappears back into the kitchen. I stare at the money in my hand that I worked so hard to get, I barely even slept a wink this past two days. I've been at parties none stop selling and to other clients that meet me at the cafe.

"I'm short.." I say to myself as I look at the money and begin to count it again in case I miscounted.

"By how much?" I hear Ty say and lean against the kitchen doorframe.

"Four.." I slowly say trying to count.

"Forty Dollars?"

"No, four hundred"

"I thought you sold it all"

I punch the side of the coffee table and grunt, "I fucking did!" This has got to be a fucking joke.

"It's fine, you'll work something out...can't you ask Ace for four hundred?"

"No" I hiss, I haven't spoken to him since he left and I don't think he has the cash laying around.

"It's all good"

I lean back pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration, "I'm fucked" my voice low as I ignore the stinging pain on my knuckles, I'm glad my body no longer hurts but the bruises are still very visible.

"I don't have, if I did I would give you. Thomas will have" Ty tries to help.

I can't ask anyone because I won't be able to pay them back, maybe I can ask my mum. I won't need to worry about paying her back straight away, will she even have four hundred laying around to just give me. I'm definitely not asking Ken.

"No..." I huff, "I'll ask my mum or maybe try to renegotiate with him"

I feel the couch dip and I look at him shaking my head, I can see it in his eyes that he is buzzed and on god knows what.

"I have to go, I'll see you around" I grab my cash and put in into my coat zipped pocket. The snow crunches beneath my feet as I head to my car.

If I ask my mum she might know, why else would I need the money so desperately? I have no other explanation but the truth which is drugs.

I park outside the tall building that has graffiti all over the walls and head inside hoping for the best. Either I'm dead or they'll beat me up and knowing my luck It will be the first one. I'm only hoping he'll give me more time after I give him all of the cash I have on me at the moment.

I knock on the door and one of the guys that beat me opens it and narrows his eyes towards me, I walk inside and stand beside the coffee table once again looking down at Dean, "What do you want?" He slurs.

"I have money for you but I'm begging for more time, I'm four hundred short but I swear I can get it to you"

He laughs aloud and looks to the guys behind me, they begin to laugh too, "More time?" He stands up, "Why would you need more time?"

"Because I don't have all the money yet" I prepare myself to be hit in the back of the head, well that's what I'm expecting to happen so when it doesn't I'm surprised.

"Your little girlfriend came by and paid every cent for you..." he sits down picking up a joint and taking it to his lips before lighting it up and inhaling a huge puff.

"My little girlfriend?" I say slowly praying to god that Julia wasn't here with these men.

"Yeah, the redheaded one with huge tits" I clench my fist at the mention of how he described her, I can feel my jaw ticking with anger. How did she know where to come and why did she fucking pay the money when i said no!

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