Chapter 30

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Asher's POV

"Hi mum" I give my mum a tight hug and she pecks my cheek holding me tightly in her embrace.

"Hi sweetie, put your bags upstairs and settle in" she hugs Camila. I nod and head upstairs to my childhood bedroom.

I throw my bags to the floor and fall back onto my bed. I hated the ride here, Camila had an attitude the entire time and all I did was try have a civil conversation with her for once. I don't know what's wrong with her lately but she's getting on my last nerve, I will find out what she has been doing because the way she is acting isn't her usual self, yes she usual has an attitude every now and then and mostly towards me but its a humorous one and she would never stay out late because that is what I normally do, me not her. I'm the fuck up.

It's beginning to piss me off that I haven't heard from Ace, I've tried calling and texting but he isn't answering either of them. I know he may just be helping his mother but it's strange he normally tells me these things and lets me help so why is this time different?

I'm still shocked by Julia's words, it's been replaying in my head like a damn song stuck on repeat. "I know you love me"

That's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard since Ace saying he wasn't looking at my sisters ass in high school, pretty sure everyone saw him looking as she walked by with her ugly cheerleading outfit.

Why does it bother me so much that Jules said those words to me? Have I honestly just spent too much time with her that I can't stop thinking of her, maybe I think of her because I've spent time with her and I just simply like having her around. I would be delusional to actually think I liked really liked her. If I do which i don't, I have seriously gone down the wrong path in life. How can anyone be with something for such a long time like their whole life, no one actually wants they?

I wonder what she is doing right now, she's probably laughing and smiling like crazy as she gives her parents a long overdue hug, I can picture her cheeks rosey as her plump pink lips were wide with a cheesy grin. I scowl once I realise I'm fantasising about her smiling, her breathtaking, gorgeous..stupid fucking smile.

I sit up still feeling the guilt from my words to her, "Have a good Christmas, Jules" I said it so she would quit asking questions like she always does.

What am I really suppose to say?

"My dads a big bully and has picked on me my entire life, oh and he threatened me because he was shagging an eighteen years old which I've shagged a few times too, she was alright and kind of stuck up"

It sounds so stupid and fucked up that I'm sure she would rethink that "love" she apparently has for me. She would laugh in my face at how fucked up my family actually is, fucked up I am and my so called father. I would probably laugh with her because I know we are indeed fucked up.

I run my hands through my hair pushing it off my forehead and sit down on my desk chair, dragging my bag off the floor to take out my laptop, I've had this shitty laptop since high school and it still works like it's brand new. It's probably because I rarely use it. I open it and the first thing I see is a photo of me and Ace on the desktop, I think we were like fifteen. We were sitting on the water tower, I remember it like it was yesterday. Both of our smiles huge because we didn't have a worry in the world except school which we both incredibly hated, we had a good time though and made the best of it.

My phone pings on my bed and I ignore it, seconds later Camila swings the door open with a smug smirk. I roll my eyes at her, "What do you want?"

"Mum wants you downstairs so stop watching porn, you freak"

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