Chapter 89

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Asher's POV

I open my eyes with a heavy weight on my chest. I look down seeing Jules draped over me, her naked body stuck to mine as her red messy hair is everywhere. We must've slept like this most of the night. I still can't believe how fast this year is going and how great it is. I'm better than ever with Jules, she's finally gaining more and more responsibility at work and she finally moved in with me after me asking four times. But the best things ever to happen this year is that I'm going to be an uncle. When Cam and Ace was in Hawaii for two weeks they announced that they eloped and I've never heard my sister so fucking happy. She deserves this happiness, she's been through so much. When they got back from Hawaii they announced they were expecting and I still can't believe it, after her losing two angels she finally gets to be happy with my best friend, I'm glad it's Ace.

 These past few months after hearing Ace's perspective on marriage and expanding their family, I know I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else, I love Jules and I think after all these years maybe it's time to ask her or at least consider it. I roll Jules off me and give her a gentle kiss on the head before heading to the bathroom butt naked, It's only us in the apartment so I have no reason to walk around fully clothed. I have a quick piss before sitting at the desk in the living room where my laptop is. I open it and video call Ace, hoping he's up. 

"Hey", he yawns. 

"Shit sorry,  were you sleeping?", I glance to the bottom right of my laptop to check the time, It's eight here so it will be seven in Texas. 

"No, I woke up ten minutes ago. Your sister is crazy", He rubs the sleep from his eyes before drinking coffee from his mug I got him for Christmas, matches the tattoo on his leg. Asher's bitch.  

"What did she do?", I chuckle. I know her hormones have been all over the place and the stories Ace tells me is hilarious. 

"Woke me up at four in the morning because she craved pickles and peanut butter and of course we didn't have so I had to go out and then she kept me up for different reasons. I have work but after this coffee I should be fine", he sips his coffee again. 

"Oh god, can I ask you something?", I say but think it over in my head. People still don't know about Julia and I so maybe it's for the best that I don't ask Ace and ask Ethan. Ethan and Laura are still together..surprisingly. He said he loves her and has given her another chance even though I think it's a dumb idea I can't tell him what to do.

"Yeah", he nods. 

"Doesn't matter..." I shake my head, "I have work soon and I have a lot of mathematical problems to solve and discovering to do" 

He laugh, "Have fun", the video call ends and I head to the kitchen to make coffee.

 I take a coconut latte to the bedroom and place it onto the bedside table, "Jules.." I shake her shoulder, "I made you coffee",  a small grin overtakes her features when I kiss her on the lips, her eyes open slowly and she leans on her elbow.

 "What time is it?" 

"Twenty past eight, I have to leave in ten minutes", I tell her and pull on my clothes. 

She groan with a stretch before sitting up against the headboard drinking her latte, "Let's go out for dinner tonight", I say to her.


"Yeah, that new place that opened and is all hype", we haven't been on a date in a while due to working all the time and because she moved in we just sit on the couch and watch tv with fast food.

"Okay", she whips the covers off her and stands up with the mug clenched in her hands. I watch as she walks towards me, her naked body giving me an instant semi. 

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