Chapter 36

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Asher's POV

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Asher's POV

I sit on the couch pulling at my hair, Camila is getting worse by the day. I can see it. I've argued and tried speaking to her this past few days and I feel like punching everything in sight. I don't know what to do, I can't even think straight. The only thing calming me down right now is weed. The whole making love thing with Jules is still in my head taunting me, mocking me that I can't say three simple words, so when I'm with her I'm quiet with my thought attack me. My best friend still hasn't spoken to me and I'm beginning to think I've done something wrong like always.

Camila has been taking different guys home and coming home drunk at stupid hours, I'm really worrying for her and I hate that she won't fucking talk to me.

I hear the door, I stand up and pop my head out the archway looking down the hall to see who it is. When I see Ace's face and a bag over his shoulder I feel relief that I don't need to deal with this on my own anymore.

"Shit! You're back" I give him a bro hug, he obviously isn't pissed off with me so maybe it wasn't something I done.

"Yeah, man" he chuckles, he kind of looks like shit.

"You've missed so much" I say honestly.

"I know but I'll catch up" he shrugs thinking I'm talking about classes.

"Not just classes. Camila has changed and I hate it, she's not herself since she lost the baby" I whisper out like I shouldn't be saying those words.

"What do you mean?" He says confused.

"Just wait until you see her, she's different" I state.

He stands up and walking out with his duffel bag, I'm guessing he's putting his shit away and I know Cam is in there but I won't stop him, it technically is still his room.

I can't believe he's back, I was beginning to lose my mind without him here. Not being able to talk to someone, play xbox with, smoke with. Classes have been hard since we started again but it's only because I want to do good, I think she has brainwashed me to do better in life.

I hate it.

Ace grunts falling back onto the couch beside me, Camila has obviously said something rude to him. I know she had a boy in there because i fucking heard last night, I wanted to rip my ears out or stick a damn pen in there to fuck my eardrums up. It was the worst sound I've ever heard and I couldn't exactly go in a deck the guy because she's eighteen years old not five and I don't want to see her naked cause that's gross, I've already screamed in her face about it but she just screamed back because she's stubborn like me.

"Told you" I chuckle and he glares at me.

"It's worse" I sigh at the thought of her for the past three weeks.

"How so?" He asks giving me the look of confusion, I know he can tell how much she's changed since her hair is a different colour and I can see her weight loss. I'm not stupid. I know it's something way worse than just alcohol since Julia told me about finding drugs in her bag in class where she was half asleep and plus she's barely there.

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