Chapter 53

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Julia's POV

"Jules!" A loud knock sounds my door, I place my textbook down and swing the door open. His hazel eyes bore into mine, it looks as if he's been crying, tear stained streaks cover his cheeks. The sight breaks my heart but I can't give in when I was doing so well.

"Asher, what are you doing here?"

"You blocked my number..." he barges past me, I blocked his number because I know it would be hard if he called. I would cave at the sound of his voice and I've been craving it ever since Monday.

"Asher, you can't be here" I hate seeing his sad eyes look at me but I can't sway because I'll be the one to get hurt. If I sit and talk to him we'll end up kissing or worse. He ended it with me and I can't go back after struggling not to talk to him or see him.

"Do you have to say my name every fucking sentence?" He sits down on the bed in frustration, his eyes look down to his hands. I look down seeing his knuckles covered with blood.

"What happened?" I ask, silently scolding myself that I asked. I shouldn't care but I do.

"Doesn't matter...I don't want to talk about it"

"If you don't want to talk about it then why are you here?"

He runs his shaky stain blood hand through his messy hair, it's kind of worrying that his hand is shaking and he looks so lost, sad.

"Asher?" I step forward with concern.

He stands up, "You know what, this was stupid...I don't even know why I'm here" he stalks towards the door but I grab his hand.

"What's wrong, talk to me"

He stares deeply into my eyes before looking down at our hands, he pulls away and laughs, "I just wanted one thing but looks like you won't give it to me" he turns slamming the door behind him.

His words hit me like a truck as I stand confused and hurt. Why does he constantly say harsh words to me and then leave? He came here but was it really just to get sex from me? Is that the reason he only stuck around before?

Asher's POV

I stand outside Julia's dorm building wishing I never came here, how stupid was it to think she would want to listen to my problems after I broke up with her. I shouldn't even be here I said I would leave her alone and i shouldn't have lied about why I was there. How will I ever get over her? it's so fucking stupid, maybe I should get under someone else.

I need a drink especially after the night I've had, I should've just strangled the low life beneath me but instead I dragged him to the police station. I'm surprised we weren't arrested with the shape Steven was in.

I walk down the street heading to the bar off campus that sells to underage students. I finally arrive after a ten minute walk, I sit down at the bar and order three tequila shots. I gulp down every single one forgetting about the salt and lime, I just want to feel numb.

"Rough night?" A woman says scooting a seat over beside me.

"You have no idea" I sharply reply and order another one.

"I'm Susan" she introduces herself.

"Great" I gulp down the shot, it burns my throat.

Once I feel a little buzz I place money down and stand up, I need to get back for Cam wakening up.

"Here's my number" The woman says, I forget her name already. I pick it up shoving it into my back pocket before leaving and heading back to the apartment. Maybe getting under someone else isn't so bad, it may help me forget.

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