Chapter 25

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Julia's POV

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Julia's POV

"Have you heard from Cam?" I ask Aiden.

We have been sat on my bed for the past twenty minutes talking about random nonsense, it's been an odd week but I'm glad it's nearly Christmas. I can't wait to see my parents again even though they annoy me half of the time which they never use to.

I've always loved Christmas, the lights hung up outside my childhood home. The amazingly lit green fir tree, with a golden star on top, my father would let me sit on his shoulders to place the star on top. I love the Christmas meal that my father and mother both prepare together and most importantly the warm feeling sitting in front of the fireplace drinking a large cup of cocoa with marshmallows and of course loads of whipped cream. We always sit around the fireplace watching a Christmas movie as we drank the best made cocoa by my mother and ate loads of snacks, it's been a tradition for years no matter how old I get.

"Yeah, you haven't?" Aiden breaks me from my thoughts, I look back to him with a puzzled look. She has been ignoring me just like Asher has, have I done something wrong?

"No.." my voice quiet.

"Hm.." he hums with a pointed look, "She talked to me yesterday which was the first time in like six days, I think..." he tries remembering, "But she seems different"

"How different?" I ask and tuck my red locks behind my ear.

He shrugs, "She just seems off like, more..." he thinks of the best word to use.

"She just dresses different and is way more outgoing than usual"

"Do you think she is okay?"

"She seems okay to me but I'm not sure if it's a good different or bad, it may just be a show and if it is...she is really good at it"

"I should maybe try call her again" I sigh and pick up my cushion taking it to my chest to hug it.

"Where's Nelly?" He asks changing the subject when he notices my dejected look.

I shrug and look towards her empty bed, it's been empty for like two weeks, I've only seen her pop in and out, "She's hardly here" I tell him.

I'm beginning to feel lonely, especially this week. Aiden has been busy with Kyle and studying at his parents. Cam is ignoring me and I don't know why. I'd love to contact Asher but..for some reason the Reeves hate me right now and seem blind to my text messages.

I so badly want to talk to Asher, I always find myself hovering over his name and luckily I don't give in. I want to see his lopsided smile or his stupid inappropriate jokes but no I can't. I would be really stupid to try contact him when he ignored me after I told him I love him, he didn't need to say it back and he could have said anything better than "Fuck off", I still have the pain in my chest from the rejection and humiliation's life and I'm glad it was only him and I in the room. As my mother would say "Not everyone will love you the way you love them" now I'm beginning to know what she meant and I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt.

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