Chapter 37

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Asher's POV

"Asher.." Julia whispers and begins tracing lines on the side of my face.

"Hm?" I hum my eyes remaining closed as I hold her.

"Why are you so tired?" Her voice soft in my ear like an angel.

"I had a fat joint" I joke.

She snorts out a laugh, "Seriously, have you been sleeping good?" She continues to trace lines with her soft fingertips which will most likely make me fall asleep again.

"I've been sleeping fine, Kitten"


"Yes...I promise" I smirk and open one eyes to see her sad eyes looking at me.

The lines on my face stop, she holds the back of my neck as I pull her closer into me, her leg resting over my hip. One of my arms resting under her body as the other is wrapped around her waist.

"How's Camila?" She asks.

I huff, I know Jules is avoiding Camila and I don't blame her. She's being an asshole at the moment and I hate the people she hangs around with except Aiden but I still don't like him for other reasons, "Still annoying but Ace and I are doing everything we can to make her stop her shit"

It's strange, I feel happy when around her and the only time I feel that way is when she's near by, I know what I'm feeling because I've been thinking about it ever since we 'Made love' and I've only come to one conclusion on why I feel the way I do...I love her even despite not being able to say the words aloud. I'm still working on it I guess but I know...well I think I'll eventually get the words out without freezing up or saying something totally different.

"I'm sorry I'm not much help"

"You don't need to be, I just need you to sit here and be pretty" I smirk, a large smile breaks on her pink plump lips.

I give her lips a peck before nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck and her long crimson hair.

I nibble on her neck after moving her hair to the side, she giggles lifting her shoulders up to block me from continuing because it tickles her.

"What's your plans for the rest of today?" She asks.

"Maybe..." my hand snakes down the back of the waistband of her shorts, my hand rests over her ass and I gently squeeze, "Maybe something that gives us amazing satisfaction" I kiss up her jaw slowly.

"Unfortunately, I have a Skype call with my parents in twenty minutes" she pouts sarcastically.

"Is that why you woke my up from an amazing nap?" I arch my brow before kissing back down her jaw towards her neck.

She moans quietly, "Yes" her voice raspy.

I pull her flush to me so she can feel my excitement for her, "twenty minutes is plenty time"

She shakes her head closing her eyes, "No, i need to be ready and not flushed as I video call my parents"

"Ten minutes?" I suggest grinning against her neck.

"Ten minutes of passion, tempting" she sarcastically says.

We've been cuddling all morning and I'd be lying if I said i didn't like it but knowing I have to leave soon and probably won't see her until tomorrow makes me crave having her body one me.

"Very tempting. Toes curling, back arching, leg shaking type of passion" I lust knowing I'm persuading her as she moans again biting on her lower lip.

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