I'm Peter... Peter Pan

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"I'm Peter. Peter Pan."


The darkness of sleep started to fade away as I became more and more awake. I felt something weird on the palm of my hand but I wasn't fully awake for it to process as strange. Then something cold swallowed my body and the rest of the sleepiness was washed away. I scrambled up, my brain trying to decide what to focus on first. My eyes focused as my five senses came back to me. I was drenched in cold water. The ocean receded back. I was on a beach.

But how? I was sure I fell asleep in the woods. I was sure. My mind and heart raced as I peered out over the glistening water. The sun beat down on me but it wasn't hot, it was bearable. I looked behind me getting the scope of the rest of the land. Instead of more sand, there was a dense forest a couple dozen feet away. 

Curiosity itched at me as I sunk to the sandy ground. I threw off my drenched shoes deciding if I was going to explore they would only slow me down. I reached behind my back and started to untie my dirty corset. I let it fall revealing my white chemise undershirt. I stood up and untied the brown skirt letting it fall as well. Now I was just in my white shirt and a shorter underskirt. I threw the brown skirt and my corset next to my shoes. 

Slowly, I approached the woods. I didn't know exactly where I was. For all I knew someone could be waiting to kill me just on the other side of these trees. My life couldn't get much worse so I took a step into it. The bright sun had seemingly vanished, revealing a dark haze. But I didn't stop. My feet stepped onto sticks and rocks poking at the skin making me have to sit for a second to deal with the pain. 

Once I was up again, I kept moving. My stomach growled a warning telling me what I already knew. That it was hungry. It was hard to get food when your whole town hated you. I was surviving off of tree bark and the occasional berry. 

I decided maybe it wasn't a bad idea to search for some food. Maybe wherever I had ended up had better food than back home. I don't know why it didn't bother me that I didn't know where I was at all, it just didn't. 

 It was dark and creepy with the dark haze. I started searching. Large plant leaves were hitting me in the face everywhere I turned. I couldn't find anything until I came across a bush. It was something I've never seen before. It was black and it was covered in thorns dripping some black goo looking stuff out of them. It looked so cool. I've lived in the forest for the past months and I've never seen anything remotely close to this. I bent down to it and examined the thorn-covered bush. It really interested me for some reason. It was almost like it was pulling me in. I really wanted to touch it even though they were thorns. Which makes total sense I know. I held my index finger out and started to reach for it.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." a guys voice spoke behind me I jumped back right before I could touch it. I whipped around and there was a boy around my age leaning against a tree. He had shaggy brown hair and was wearing patches of green. His emerald green eyes stared into mine as we just stood there for a moment.

"That's Dreamshade," he said breaking me out of my thoughts. He said it like it was common sense or something. "It's a deadly poison and it will kill you. The worst poison on this island," he said as he walked a bit closer. "And who might you be?" he continued as he raised his eyebrow. I stood still. Speechless. Until I finally broke out of my shock and responded.

 "Uhh, who are you?" I retorted back. I mean he talked to me first it's only fair he answers his own question first.

"I asked you first." He crossed his arms and glared at me.

 "Fine," I said as I squinted my eyes at him. 

 "I'm Samantha but most people call me Sami." he tilted his head a little. It looked like he was trying to figure me out or something. 

"Yeah no. I'm gonna call you Sam." I scoffed a little at this comment. A little offended but oh well.

 "Ok fine. Your turn." I crossed my arms reminding him he still needed to answer my question.

"I'm Peter. Peter Pan," he smirked

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