Lost Girl

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"Princess, this celebrations for you."


I walked away from the boys to get Sam from her tent. We needed to talk. The decision she made was stupid as hell and she shouldn't have done it and I needed her to know that.

"Princess come out here." I said through the tent flaps. I could hear her sigh before she responded.

"And why the hell should I do that?" She snapped back at me. I was so close to just ripping her heart out and calling it a day.

"Because I told you too. I told you this is my island, so if you don't come out I will force you too." I told her. I wasn't lying, she was going to get out and talk to me.

"Fine." She said. I could tell she was pissed so I guess the feelings mutual. She walked out of the tent and I grabbed her arm and started walking into the forest.

"Where are we going." She asked me.

"We're going on a walk. We need to have a little chat princess." I told her. I was going to walk for a little until I knew the boys couldn't hear me yelling at her. I could feel her roll her eyes. She was just radiating that fiery energy. Once we got far enough into the woods I let go of her arm.

"If you're about to tell me this is your island aga-" She started before I interrupted.

"The hell were you thinking?" I questioned trying to keep my cool as much as I could.

"I was thinking that you don't get to control me 'your highness'."

"And that, love, is where your wrong." I informed her. She furrowed her eyebrows at me and opened her mouth to say something.

"Now princess, you've got fire and I admire that." I started, walking closer to her. "But you will listen to me if you intend to stay at my camp."

"Well maybe I don't want to stay in you're stupid camp." She fought back as she stayed still in her spot not moving when I approached.

"It's either the camp with a nice tent or the cages, princess. It's up to you but I'm pretty sure we both know the obvious choice." The camp was the obvious choice. She would be able to stay at the camp and get food and a place to sleep. Or the tight cages where food is rare.

"Why do I have to stay? I just want to be with my brother. Surely you understand that." She pleaded. Her voice was exhausted with fighting with me.

"Your brother works for me. And now he has to continue working for me because I have you. And I can kill you and him whenever I want." I said through gritted teeth. 

"You know what? I'll stay at the camp." She folds her arms and glares at me. "As long as no harm comes to Killian." She said as she brushed passed me pushing me a little to the side as she walked. I expected her to have a bad attitude for a while but damn she was being an ass. We walked back to the camp and she was quite upset. Then I felt something weird. Energy? Holy shit. She's got magic. I looked at her confused and she turned her head to see me staring at her.

"Yes?" She asked when she caught me.

"Nothing..." I said looking down at my feet. Maybe she is more useful than I realized before.


He was keeping me hostage against my will. He was a demon the people at the port talked about. They weren't just twisted stories, they were the truth. I was so pissed I felt like I could snap someone's neck. Maybe I'll snap Pans. Yeah, that sounds like a good ass idea. I could feel Pan staring at me and I glanced at him.

The Lost Girl ~ a OUAT Peter Pan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now