The Darkness

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Fifth Season

"To watch the last of your own family get destroyed."


We finally got ourselves home but it was all confusing. We woke up with no memory or anything but Emma was now the dark one. Like she embraced the darkness so good for her. It took a long time but we got our memories back.

Everything hit and we knew now that Killian was another dark one and he was also embracing the darkness. It was all a big mess right now.

As of right now, we were all walking down the dark wet concrete of the main road in Storybrooke. It had recently rained so the streets still glistened with the drops.

"Emma, slow down. We need to talk about this. We need a plan." Charming insisted. Emma was being hard headed as usual. We heard somewhere that Killian was planning on ressurecting all the dark ones that had ever lived from the underworld so it was a little unerving. 

"The plan is find Hook before he ressurects all of the Dark Ones. You think dealing with one is bad." She says not bothering to look behind her at the rest of the confused group.

I kept my head down not wanting to make the situation worse. The road was filled with leaves so I tried to step on all the crunchy ones, blocking out the conversation between the rest of the group even though I should be paying attention.

The group suddenly stops walking without me noticing leading me to run right into Grumpy's back.

"Watch it lost boy." He snarls at me. He didn't like me very much.

"Shut it dwarf."

I start to pay attention to the conversation again cause there's nothing else to do.

"Regina's right. We need to hit him with everything." Was she talking about killing Killian? She's kidding right?

"This is a man you loved. This is her only family!" M pointed at me. I walked forward to join the rest of them in case I needed to say something.

"That man died back in Camelot." Excuse me? "Now all there is is the Dark One. So, no matter how hard this might be... we need to split up, find him, and stop him... no matter what it takes." I finally had enough to the point I had to intervene.

"Ok listen here. He may be your boy toy but he's my brother. You're not going to hurt him." She doesn't listen though and continues to tell people her 'plan'. Everyone was to split up and try and find him. I stayed with Henry to help him look. Emma told us to stay outside while she looks inside Gold's shop so we did.

As we stood there a hooded figure started to approach us.

"Oh shit..." I mumble under my breath. Killians really done it now hasn't he.

"Mom. Help us!" Henry says as the hooded person continues to walk closer to the two of us. Henry grabs my hand and squeezes it, preparing for what may come next.

Emma comes bursting out from the shop and when she sees what going on a light forms in her hands.

"Henry, Sam, don't move."

"Too late for that." The figure says as she walks through the two of us before vanishing. Emma rushes to us- well to Henry and asks if he's ok.

"I think so." He says as he turns to look at me sympathetically.

The rest of the group comes storming over to us while Regina snaps, "What just happened to us?" 

Gold comes out too and explains that we were all marked to go to the underworld. We were going to die. I wanted to scream 'thank you'  to whoever did it but I couldn't right now. I was miserable being stuck here but now I can be stuck in hell. That's a much better option honestly. Even though I still won't have Peter, I'll be dead and maybe I can find a way to be reunited with him.

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