The Heart

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"Come on someone has to know who's heart you need."


As me and Devin were catching up, because we hadn't spent much time together recently, Peter came up to me and asked me to go with him. I agreed and told Devin I'd talk to him later. He took me down to the training grounds but I wasn't aware we were training today. 

"Peter, why are we down here? Is it training or something?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, as usual." I didn't complain because I probably needed the extra practice anyway. We started by learning different things you could do with different objects. I also learned about the dark one. All I knew about him was that he was Peter's son, Killian's enemy, and powerful. But I learned how to control him and all his weaknesses. It was probably helpful in case I came face to face with him. I also learned that if you take out the heart of someone you can control them with it. The dark one dagger can also be used like that except to only control the dark one. 

Peter wasn't as focused today and I could tell something was defiantly bothering him. Every now and again he would just zone off and I didn't know what to think until finally, my curiosity got the best of me.

"Peter, what's wrong?" I asked turning to face him. He snapped out of one of his zones and looked at me.

"Nothing I'm fine." He's lying. 

"Don't start with that. I know when something bothering you." He sighed and just grabbed my wrist.

"What the he-" Is all I managed to get out until I was lifted into the air with him. I let out a yelp at the sudden movement. I made sense of what was happening and I looked around. It was beautiful. I could see the whole island from the height. I looked around until I saw something weird. 

I squinted my eyes trying to make out the figure that was off the shore of the beach. I hadn't ever seen it before. As we got closer I could make out what it was. It was a huge rock in the shape of a skull.

"Peter where are we going?" I questioned but he didn't respond to me. We flew into one of the eyes of the skull and landed on our feet inside a large room. He let go of my wrist and walked towards something.

"What is that?" I questioned again hoping for an answer.

"That." Peter started. "Is what's keeping me alive." He continued. I gasped and took a step back. It was a little more than halfway full but the thought was still scary.

"I-I thought you couldn't die." I stuttered.

"I can't until that runs out." I shook my head in disbelief.

"No there has to be some way to stop it." I pleaded.

"There is." I let out a huge sigh of relief. I ran up to wear he was standing and started pulling his arm.

"Well let's go get it," I said as a huge smile was on my face at the relief. He shook my hand off his arm and looked down. I thought this was good news.

"It's just I don't know what I'm looking for. I mean I do but I don't know what it means." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as my arms dropped to my side. "I didn't know what I needed until the vision dream thing last night. In it, it said something about 'the heart of the truest believer'."

"Well if we just need to rip someone's heart out it should be no problem. Right?"

"Typically yes but I don't know who's heart and they'll need to believe in me for it to work." He sighed.

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