The Beach

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"Am I interrupting something?"


The two of us get home and we walk over to my thinking tree. We both slump our backs against the tree and slide down until we hit the floor.

"You did it, princess," I say as I smile at her. 

"Were you expecting me not to?" She asks kind of offended.

"To be honest... yeah." She scoffs and playfully punches me in the arm. I start to unravel the roll of paper. I look at it and it shows a sketch of a boy around twelve with dark hair and a round face. Sam glances over at the paper too.

"Well I guess now we send out your shadow to find him." Sam states as I look at her, our faces only inches apart. She was so close and I've done it before. I shake the thought and continue.

"Guess so." I say as I stand up. I offer my hand out to help Sam and she takes it. I pull her up a little to fast and she bumps into me. I catch her before we could both fall and we both stand there looking at each other. Her eyes met mine yet again and it was like I couldn't look away. 

"Thanks." She muttered softely as she steps away from me. I snap out of it and shake my head. 

"Well I'm going to go get something to eat and probably take a nap." She says breaking the silence. I nod at her and she heads off into the woods. 


I call my shadow and almost immediately he flies through the eye of of thee huge rock. 

"I need you to find this boy and bring him to Neverland." I give the shadow the simple request as he hovers in front of me.

"I will try Pan." He flies right back out and over the water to go searching for the boy with the heart of the truest believer.

I walk over to a rock and sit down on it. I put my face in my hands and think about the encounter I had with Sam earlier. I didn't know what I felt. I haven't felt anything like that since... her. Fiona. Even the thought of her made my skin crawl. I never realized how much I truly hated her. She left me and her son for some power shit. That little bi- I snapped out of it and switched my thoughts back to Sam.

Maybe the only reason I was feeling something was because I was just happy we found out about the boy and it was all thanks to her. Yeah that makes sense right? It does to me. I brush off any other thought that it could be and make my way back to camp. It was already dark and most everyone was outside by the fireplace just talking. I looked around but didn't find Sam. She was probably asleep already. The way time moves was a lot different here than wonderland so she was probably just adjusting back.

I sit down on my log and start playing my flute. The music fills the air and it feels like the forest calms down almost completely. Eventually I retire to bed to get some rest. I could now finally rest because now I knew I wasn't going to die. I was going to get that heart.

SAMIS POV- time skip

It had been a long couple of weeks to me. After me and Peter visited Wonderland, a couple new lost boys came. Still no celebration though. He probably forgot about the ukulele and celebration thing. It was fine though.

None of the boys that were brought were the boy on the picture. They all had dark hair and dark eyes. We decided to keep them just because we needed the extra boys anyway. Me and Peter still trained but not as often because I had already gotten to Peter's level so there wasn't as much to learn. And now Neverland has a reputation. Even I have a reputation. When one of the boys, Trevor, came he told me and Peter about what was said about the two of us and Neverland in the enchanted forest and this is what he said: Neverland is the closest thing to the underworld. Everyone there is ruthless. Peter Pan is the leader of the lost boys and will not hesitate to kill someone if they are even breathing wrong. And his girlfriend, the lost girl, because no one knows who she really is, is as powerful as Peter, maybe even stronger and is just as bad.

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