Please Don't Go Away

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"At this point, Killian's promise was looking really good right about now."


I had gotten up earlier than usual today and walked around for a while. Barefoot. I was trying to find Peter but he was nowhere to be found. I had noticed he would sneak off for longer and it was happening more often. I was curious but I'm sure I was just overreacting. I trusted him with my life. 

I had the idea to check his thinking tree. Maybe he was there because he was stressed about something. It wouldn't be the first time. I ran in the direction of the tree feeling free as I ran. I jumped over logs and pushed the dense greenery out of my way as I did so. I arrived at the tree as I walked inside. The room was a mess. Papers were scattered everywhere, giving up on any form of organization. I looked around the papers and saw new names with line connecting people together.

"Regina Mills... Henry Mills... and Cora Mills?" I whispered the names as I saw them pop up. Who were these people. Then I looked down to see Regina and a women named Emma connected to a name. Henry Mills. But it couldn't possibly be the same Henry as before right. I came to the conclusion that he was probably named after the other Henry. I saw Baelfire's name pop up but I skimmed passed it. I was confused on what all this was.

"Sam?" I heard a voice say as my head shot up in the direction of the voice. 

"What is all of this?" I question him and he walks over to me and grabs my arm and yanks me out of the hollow tree.

"It's nothing. Come on let's go." Peter urges as he let's go of my arm. I immediately become suspicious. I knew something was up and I was going to find out.

"No it's not nothin. What is it?" Peter shakes his head as he continues to urge me away from the tree. I run back inside with him quickly on my trail.

"Peter answer my question." I say more forcefully as I hold some on the paper in my hands. "ANSWER ME." I yell as I shove the papers to his chest pushing him back. 

"It's nothing I swear." He continues to lie.

"Peter I am looking and I can tell it's not nothing." I shoot back. My eyes were glaring him down putting him under pressure.

"Don't get mad princ-"

"JUST TELL ME." I start to yell.

"Ifoundtheboywhotheheartbelongsto." He says really quickly but I could make out what he was saying.

"You did?" I let a breathe escape my mouth as I waited for clarification.

"Yeah... I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to give you false hope but-"

"How is this false hope? You found him but you didn't tell me??" I asked really offended.

"Your not listening to me." He tried to talk again.

"Really because what I'm hearing is that you found him but didn't tell me." I snap at him. My face was burning with rage. We were in this together from the beginning what the hell happened?

"He's not alive yet but I found the mother!" He tells me.

"And you didn't bother to tell me?! Peter we are doing this together. Understand?" I raise an eyebrow waiting for a response.

"I do but-" He tries to talk yet again but I cut him off once more.

"Quit with the buts." I say as I shove past him to leave. I ran into the woods as fast as I could. I really thought he was going to tell me everything. God I'm such a fool. I wasn't going to cry but I was furious. Peter never followed which was probably a good thing since I don't know what I'd do to him if I saw him right now. 

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