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"So how are we going to kill her?"


Having Sami aboard the ship has made my life almost like a dream. I mean it has been my dream to find her and actually have my sister back. I showed her her room and by the looks of it, she loved it. I walked out of the room to let her change from the clothes Pan provided her to her new stuff. She's gonna look like a mini-me. 

Fifteen minutes later she comes out and I was right. She looks like a mini-me and I couldn't be happier.

"There's Hook junior," I say as I walk over to her and ruffle her hair. She rolls her eyes but has a smile on her face. I could tell she was happy. We can now be a family. But the only problem was that I still had business with Pan getting my revenge on the crocodile and all so she's still in danger.

"You better not call me that" She laughed.

"Oh no that's exactly what I'm going to call you." I corrected her. I walked up to the front of my ship pulling along Sami along with me. I raised her hand and said, "Welcome Hook Junior aboard the ship men!" The ship was filled with endless cheers and applause from the crew. I had done it. I found her.


After Sam's little stunt at trying to kill me I walked back to camp. I had noticed that Felix left my treehouse so I entered to get some rest. And I did until the bright rays of the sun had come up. I had gotten up and got some breakfast. My head still swarming with what had happened last night.

"Pan," Felix said as he came rushing towards me. "What happened?" he questioned. I told him about how she almost killed me and how I was right about her powers. I was still pissed from it.

"No one beats me." I scowled at him.

"So how are we going to kill her?" He asked obviously wanting her gone.

"Felix we're not going to kill her. She just requires a nudge in the right direction." I informed him. His face dropped when I said we weren't going to kill her. I don't know why he wanted her gone so badly but I ignored it.

"I do need to find her though." I continued trying to come up with another plan. Felix agreed and went to rally the boys. He told them to split up and look for her everywhere.

"She could be anywhere," I added. "And she's fast. So if you find her just yell for help." The boys nodded and ran off, with their weapons in hand, into the forest. I also decided to help and I had a place in mind that I knew she would be if she wasn't in the forest. With Hook. I teleported to the ship and peered over it and there she was. She had changed clothes to a corset and black pants. I knew I needed to wait until she was alone so I could convince her to come back with me. So I decided to wait until nightfall. I flew back to camp and remembered all the boys were still out searching for her.  It took me about an hour to find them all and bring them back but after I had successfully done so, I told them I found her aboard Hooks ship. The rest of the day the boys did what they wanted but I spent it waiting for nightfall. I was working myself up for no reason. I never fail. 


I walked out of my treehouse and most of the boys were around the fire and I got questioning looks as I disappeared into the forest but they knew better than to question me. 

Once I got to the ship I transported into her room and leaned against one of her dressers. She snapped her head up to see me standing there.

"Peter." She said through gritted teeth.

The Lost Girl ~ a OUAT Peter Pan love storyWhere stories live. Discover now