Trouble Sleeping

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"Well, I fell asleep but I had this strange dream."


The two of us jumped back through another portal that Sam created and went back home. We arrived in the middle of the woods and we were facing each other. 

"I'm proud of you princess," I said holding out my fist.

"Oh, I know you are 'your highness.'" She laughs as she bumps my fist. I roll my eyes playfully and we make our way back to camp. It was already dark here and most of the boys were already in their tents except for a few. Felix was, of course, among the few. When he sees us he walks up to us with the fresh cut on his cheek. He glares at Sam and she glares back not trying to hide the hate between the two of them.

"How'd it go?" He questions me. I pull out the doll to let him see it. "I knew Pan never fails." He smirked.

"You can thank this one here too," I say nudging Sam with my shoulder.

"Yeah, you can thank me too." She smiles snarkily. I glare at him to actually thank her as well before he just walks off.

"Fine. Thank you." Is all he says. He walks off annoyed and she chuckles a little.

"Well, I'm probably going to go to bed." She says breaking the silence. "Thanks for burning down the town with me." She laughs.

"Anytime princess." She smiles and escapes into her tent. I stand there for a second thinking about her before I leave for my treehouse as well.

I take off my cloak and set it on a chair in the corner of the room. I lay down on my bed and my eyes start to close and I drift off to sleep.


"I am going away. And I hope I forget."

"Bloody demon."

"I'm sorry. Goodbye Peter Pan"

"Peter Pan never fails."

"Don't you know? Peter Pan never fails."

"Henry don't listen to him."

"The heart of the Truest Believer."

"Save me."

The words were whispers and there were no images just flashing lights and woods. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts.


I jerk awake breathing heavy. Sweat covered my forehead.

"What the hell..." I mumble. All the words I heard made no sense at all. I thought I could hear Sam and Hook and Felix in some of them but I was just confused. My head was splitting and it was still the middle of the night. I grasped my head and walked out of my treehouse quietly trying not to wake any of the boys. I walked down and through the camp and into the woods headed for my thinking tree.

I got there and just slumped against the tree. My head was killing me but I couldn't heal it because I had done it to myself. I sat there in silence and then I heard a twig break. It was probably just an animal so I brushed it off.

"Peter?" I heard someone say softly from behind me. I had recognized the voice and Sam walked out from behind the tree. "You ok?" Concern filled her voice as I moved over and offered her room to sit and she took it. 

"Yeah just trouble sleeping. Why are you up?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Same here. Well, I fell asleep but I had this strange dream. It was just random words and blinking lights." She said as she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. I looked at her in confusion as well.

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