Just Is

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"Not Prince Charming or Snow White. The Savior, The Evil Queen. The Lost Girl. He was just Henry."

The two of us rushed down the stairs with the pen tightly in Henry's hand. 

"Emma! Regina! You guys are going to want to see this." I said as I finally reached the bottom of the thin stairs. Henry came out from behind me, holding the pen in his hand. 

We walked over to a table and put it under the light so they could see it better. "The author's pen? I thought you destroyed it." Regina said staring at the magical pen. 

"I did. But that just brought it here." He started. Everyone stared at it in a faint hint of shock. "The apprentice told me where it was. I thought if I used its power, I could be a hero." Now it was my turn to be a little confused. I thought he was a hero? I mean, what do I know, but he grew up in a family full of them. He even broke the damn curse. 

"Henry, what made you think you needed to do this?" Regina said, once again seemingly reading my mind.

"At first it was Cruella." I was confused still. I ran away with Peter and we stayed in our mansion in the woods. The guilt seeped back into me. We were planning on taking someone's heart. "She wanted me to use it to bring her back to life." He continued snapping me out of my thoughts. 

"Why would you help her?" Emma asked. Shock evident in her voice. 

"T-to help you." He said looking at her. I stood with my arms crossed looking between the mother and son. 

"She said you have all this guilt about killing her." I guess I had missed a lot. "And that's when I realized, I have all this power and I ignore it. I just live in everyone's shadow." He looked around the room at the infamous fairytale characters. Hero's and a villain. "I want to be the hero instead of the one the hero's rescue." He said his voice getting louder as he spoke. This was obviously something he's been stuffing inside for a while now. 

"I understand that, but that's not the way to do it." His mother said standing up from where she was sitting. 

"I know, and that's why I'm telling you now. I finally understand what the apprentice meant. I'm going to write the stories as they are, and I'll start with Hades. I'm going to use the pen the correct way." Everyone seemed to be shocked at how he'd grown. They were in disbelief while I knew this was coming eventually. No one ever believed him. He was just Henry. Not Prince Charming or Snow White. The Savior, The Evil Queen. The Lost Girl. He was just Henry. And I think that hurt him. He wanted to prove himself and I was going to do everything within my power to help him. "To recreate his story."

"Hades went through a lot of trouble to keep us from learning his story," M said. 

"Which means we're onto something," Regina said. 

"The question is, what is Hades trying to hide from us?" Charming spoke up, joining in the conversation. 

I didn't know what was going on. Wouldn't be the first time. 

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