Someone We All Should Fear

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Season 2

"'Neverland.' I choke out the word as my heart rate starts picking up."


Everyone had calmed down for the most part but Henry was a little upset which was understandable. He was told his father was dead now he wasn't. He would be mad at Emma for a while by the looks of it. We go to leave and then out of nowhere Killian decides to make appearance and stab the dark one with his hook. I try my hardest not to laugh at the view that was in front of me. The Dark One lying on an old couch holding a rag to his heart trying not to die. I could tell his hook was laced in Dreamshade. I laughed at the stupidity of Killian because now he was downstairs tied up in a closet. He'll be fine. I know Killian and he'll make and appearance again soon.

We make a plan to travel home on Killians ship and that I was going to captain it because I had the most experience with it. We leave to get to the ship and once we're on it I teach Henry how to drive it. He was surprisingly good at it.

We got back to Storybrooke and help the sorry excuse of an immortal out of the boat and onto somewhere he can lean on.

"Let me guess. I get to go with Sam and Ruby." Henry says un-enthusiastically obviously wanting to be apart of the fun.

"You got it kid."

"I'll keep him out of the crossfire." Ruby insures as the three of us head off to the diner. Me and Ruby had become friends and she would listen to me rant about stupid things. Never about Neverland and Peter though. I kept those problems hidden and if anyone asked it was always, "I hated it there." or " I hate Peter Pan." Never anything else. 

I excused myself from the restaurant leaving Henry alone with Ruby but he asked to come as well and I let him. I went into the forest as usual to clear my head but this time we came across Neal and Emma. They looked really confused.

"Why are you two here." I eyes them suspiciously.

"I- don't really know." I figured it must've been something Cora's done so we all just sit on the floor and talk for a while.

"You know you really have changed a lot." Neal says to me out of the blue.

I furrow my eyebrows at the statement, "Excuse me?"

"You know, from you know where." I was taken aback at the thought that he thought I changed. "Hey, why did you leave him there?" Rage boiled inside me as I stood up from the ground where the four of us sat as I ran a hand through my hair.

"I hated it there and I hated him." I assure him but I was lying again. He looked at me like he was calling bullshit.

"You mean to tell me, you didn't actually love him." He said in disbelief.

"Yeah, you heard me." I said rhetorically.

"I don't believe that for a second." He said standing up as well. I turned to face him.

"Oh really?" I say as I cock my head and cross my arms. Henry and Emma had looks of confusion written all over their face as they stood up too.

"You forget, I was there when you two fell in love." I looked down at my feet at the memories. He was there when I came home from being away for a year. "You ruled over his world." I turned my back to him in rage.

"Don't pretend you know me." I said over my shoulder. "You know nothing." I snarled at him.

"I may not know a lot but I saw the way he stood up when you returned and I saw the smile on your face. You cannot tell me that everything you two had is gone."

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