Family Reunion

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"Who the bloody hell do you think you are getting aboard my ship?"


Pan poofed away right before I could start talking back to 'his highness' again. I want to leave this damn place. I thought things couldn't get any worse but somehow they did. It's like the universe was against me. It always is. 

I ran to the beach as quickly as I could. Then I realized how was I supposed to leave an island without a boat. I walked around the island for a little trying to find a little boat that could at least get away from the island. From Pan.

I was walking for a few hours and I was getting frustrated with myself and the island and the demon. I couldn't find anything. Not a single boat which is kinda shocking. You'd think there would be plenty just lying around on an island. I looked at my feet and kept walking kicking the sand as I did. I saw an odd shadow on the floor and looked up to see a beautiful ship. I stepped back in complete aw. 

I ran up to the ship and admired its colors. It was blue yellow and red. It was gorgeous. It reminded me of the times my brothers would talk about being captains and sailing our own ship someday. Just the three of us sailing the huge sea. I smiled at the thought until I heard someone yell from aboard the ship that snapped me out of my daze. 

"Move your bloody arses! We 'avent got all day mates. Hurry up!"

I walked up the ramp to try and get a better look and crouched down so no one could see me but I could see them. Barely, but I could. A tall man was walking around. He was in all black and had black hair with tons of rings on his fingers. Did he look... familiar? I shook the thought and decided to just straight up walk onto the pirate's ship not giving two shits. Nothing bad could happen in this scenario. I either get off this bloody island or I get killed and put out of this misery of life. I stood up and took a step on the deck.


I walked around looking at my crew. We had to get off the ship quickly. I had business to deal with. As much as I hated Pan he was giving me what I wanted so it wasn't too bad. 

"Move your bloody arses! We avent got all day mates. Hurry up!" I snapped at them and saw them pick up their pace. I smiled at my success until I heard someone get on my ship. I whipped around and saw a girl? A teenage girl none the less. Why was she on my ship? No one gets on my ship without my permission. 

"Who the bloody hell do you think you are getting aboard my ship?!" I yelled at her getting the attention of the rest of the crew. They all stood stunned but it didn't bother her at all. 

"People need to stop talking to me like I'm shit." She snapped back. I was shocked at how she responded to me. 

"Don't you know who I am?" She shook her head and crossed her arms like she was trying me. 

"I'm Captain Hook. The pirate Captain Hook." 

"Ooh, I'm so scared." She put the back of her hand on her forehead for a dramatic effect. "Whatever shall I do now." She finished as she chuckled at her act she just put on. 

"Well, I'm Sami. Sami Jones," she answered.

There's no way. Could it really be her? She's so grown up now. She looks a lot like what I've seen of mother. God, I haven't seen her in what feels like a thousand years. Tears started to form in my eyes.

"Is there something on my face or something?" She responded. I stood there shocked. 

"Hello?" She drew out the word, waving a hand in front of my face. "Earth to Captain no hand" I shook my head out of the trance.

"D-did you just say, jones?" I asked like a stuttering mess. 

"Yes. Yes, I did. Is that a problem or something?"

"No no. It's just... did you perhaps have two brothers?" I asked her. As soon as I asked the look of sarcasm faded from her face and sadness took over. 

"Yeah..." she choked out. "But I haven't seen them for years." she finished tears swelling up in her eyes. She rubbed her nose against her arm and blinked away the tears. "Now what does that have to do with anything?" She retaliated. Damn, she got my sass but that's the least of my concern. I looked back at my crew. All of their mouths were wide open in shock. 

"Sami" I smiled as I ran up to hug her.


"Wha-" I started as the one-handed pirate came up and hugged me out of nowhere. I hesitated but slowly hugged him patting his back. 

"Do you want some chocolate and tissues too big guy?" I asked. He pulled away kneeling down to my eye level and placing both hands on my shoulders. I looked into his eyes confused. 

"Kid, it's me. It's Killian." Those few words hit me like a train and I couldn't tell if I was hallucinating or not. Is this even possible?? It's been years since I've seen him. Tears started to form in my eyes but they never came out. He cupped my cheeks in his hands and pulled me back into a hug. We were both laughing from relief, giant smiles spread across our faces. I have waited for this exact moment for years. Imagining what it would be. Never would I have guessed it would be on some strange island and Killian having a hook for a hand.

The thought escaped my mind as I pulled out of the hug and looked around at his crew. They all smiled at me and I smiled back but I didn't see him. I didn't see Liam. I turned back to Killian with a worried look on my face. 

"Killian where's Liam?" He stared down blankly at his black leather boots. "Killian?" I asked again with more urgency in my tone. He drew a sharp breath and looked at me with sorrow present in his eyes. I took a step back hoping that what I thought happened didn't. 

"No," I said as my breath became shaky. The fact that the last time I saw my big brother was when I was being ripped out of his arms terrifies me. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

Killian walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me. We sat in silence until he started talking. "He talked about you every day. We even made a plan to escape and join the King's navy. We were going to find you. That's all he ever wanted. He wanted the three of us to buy a ship and sail together on the open seas. He loved you a lot." I started crying at his words. I could tell it was genuine. I looked up to my big brother and we just sat there. 

"It will be ok," he whispered. "I promise."

"Well, what a family reunion we're having," A voice that had become familiar in the past three days had echoed through my head. I turned around and sure enough there he was. 

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